
“Sonderkommando Eyewitness” Testimony to the Holocaust

By John Wear | Inconvenient History | Volume 12 (2020) #4 Promoters of the Holocaust story inevitably raise eyewitness testimony as “proof” of the genocide of European Jewry during World War II. A pro-Holocaust supporter told me that witnesses such as Elie Wiesel, Simon Wiesenthal and Viktor Frankl are not relied upon by historians to […]

FBI lawyer who altered evidence to enable spying on Trump gets PROBATION instead of jail

RT | January 29, 2021 The only FBI official charged in the improper use of FISA warrants to spy on President Donald Trump via campaign aide Carter Page got a slap on the wrist. Kevin Clinesmith’s sentence was a year of probation, and community service. Clinesmith worked at the FBI General Counsel’s Office (GCO) and […]

Morley v. CIA

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | January 27, 2021 After the end of World War II, the U.S. national-security establishment convinced the American people that there existed an international communist conspiracy to take over the United States and the rest of the world. This supposed conspiracy, U.S. officials steadfastly maintained, was based in Moscow, […]

Proud Boys Leader Was ‘Prolific’ FBI Snitch: Court Docs

Enrique Tarrio (left) By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | January 27, 2021 While US officials claim that ‘far-right extremism’ is one of the largest threats facing America, the leader of the group most commonly singled out as an example – the Proud Boys – was a ‘prolific’ informant for federal and local law enforcement, according […]

Signal, the ‘encrypted messenger of the future,’ has shady links to US national security interests

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | January 27, 2021 If the sudden popularity of the encrypted messenger Signal has seemed suspicious to you, you may be onto something – the app is at least partially funded through American foreign influence cutouts. On January 4, WhatsApp announced sweeping changes to its privacy policies, affecting the vast bulk […]

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed

By Matthew Ehret | Strategic Culture Foundation | January 25, 2021  Since it has become increasingly evident that a vast extension of the Patriot Act will soon be unveiled that threatens to re-define “the war on terror” to include essentially anyone who disagrees with the governing neoliberal agenda, it is probably a good time to evaluate how […]

“I do everything my TV tells me to do” – That’s why we’re hurtling towards the Great Reset

THE DAILY EXPOSE • JANUARY 18, 2021 If the current pandemic of dictatorial tyranny sweeping across the world has taught us anything, it is that the majority of humanity has been so well trained to obey authority that it is now incapable of free thought and afraid to ask questions. Never before have we seen […]

Russia rejects any closed-door discussion of Syrian chemical case at UN Security Council

Press TV – January 25, 2021 Russia’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations says Moscow will oppose any attempt to return to closed-door discussions on the purported use of chemical arms in Syria at the UN Security Council. Vassily Nebenzia, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, said on Monday that the United Kingdom, which […]