
I just put the FAA in a “no win” situation. If there is not a PROPER investigation, heads should roll.

Susan Northrup is the current US Federal Air Surgeon, the first woman to hold this position. By Steve Kirsch | January 21, 2023 I just had a nice chat with Federal Air Surgeon Dr. Susan E. Northrup. By the end, she no longer can say, “I didn’t know.” If she doesn’t act now, she should […]

Investigation: At least 54 high-profile media personalities are connected to Soros-funded organizations

RT | January 20, 2023 Billionaire George Soros has links to dozens of prominent media figures in the US and beyond via organizations he funded, a conservative US watchdog claims. In the last report of a three-part investigation, published on Tuesday, MRC Business examined the ties of the Budapest-born liberal mogul, coming to the conclusion … … Continue reading →

MHRA Passes the Buck: “All the Covid Vaccine Authorisation Decisions Were Taken by the Government Minister”

The Blame Game Begins BY NICK DENIM | THE DAILY SCEPTIC | JANUARY 19, 2023 I have just received a very interesting MHRA reply to an FOI request about whether the Healthy Secretary delegated Covid vaccine decisions to the MHRA. MHRA said “All the Covid vaccines and therapeutics authorisation decisions were taken by the Licensing Minister and […]

CIA Chief Warns Zelensky of Assassination (… by the CIA)

By Finian Cunningham | Strategic Culture Foundation | January 18, 2023 So CIA boss William Burns made a secret trip to Kiev in January last year to warn Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky that his life was in danger from assassination. The clandestine meeting occurred only weeks before Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine. A […]

Republicans deepen investigation into Democratic money laundering with Ukraine

By Ahmed Adel | January 17, 2023 The Republicans plan to investigate where the money that Washington allocates to Kiev really goes. The conservative political party suspects that the Biden administration and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky are involved in money laundering and the sale of NATO weapons on the darknet, using the Russian special military […]

$1,000,000 to forecast Vaccine Misinformation narratives

The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter | January 16, 2023 On 20 October 2022, the CDC published a grant opportunity to develop a public health tool to predict the virality of vaccine misinformation narratives. The application closed a few days ago. The purpose of the $1,000,000 grant is “to conduct research to develop and pilot a predictive model and […]

Insider reveals truth about Covid-19 pandemic from within the National Health Service

How the misdiagnosis of deaths occurred and was due to changes from 2016 The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter | January 15, 2023 An ex-director at one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK decided they wanted to reveal what really happened during the pandemic. They have kindly allow me to reproduce their thoughts. The catalyst for this […]