
‘Inconvenient’ U.S. Wildfire Data Has Been ‘Disappeared’ by National Interagency Fire Center

By Anthony Watts | Watts Up With That? | May 13, 2021 It’s been an open secret, ever since Dr. Michael Mann used “Mike’s Nature Trick” to “hide the decline” by covering up some inconvenient tree ring data in the hockey stick climate graph, that climate alarmists will go to almost any length to only show the […]

Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role in Spreading the Discredited CIA “Russian Bounty” Story

By Glenn Greenwald | May 14, 2021 In an interview on Tuesday with Fox News’ Bret Baier, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) denied that she spread the discredited CIA “Russian bounty” story. That CIA tale, claiming Russia was paying Taliban fighters to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan, was cooked up by the CIA and then published by The New York Times on […]

Rand Paul Continues Fauci Feud; “He Could Be Culpable For The Entire Pandemic”

By Steve Watson | Summit News | May 13, 2021 Senator Rand Paul continued to slam White House medical advisor Thursday, saying that Anthony Fauci could be culpable for the entire coronavirus pandemic. Paul was attacked by leftist media Wednesday for merely questioning Fauci’s extensive role in granting funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology at […]

Cybersecurity tycoon Kaspersky claims CIA could actually be behind US Colonial Pipeline attack blamed on Russia

RT | May 14, 2021 A cyberattack that crippled fuel supplies on the East Coast of the US and sent gas prices soaring could have been an inside job conducted by American spooks, rather than foreign hackers, a prominent Russian IT expert has claimed. After a massive systems failure caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut […]

IDF Invades Gaza?

By Stephen Lendman | May 14, 2021 Earlier reports from Israel said IDF forces invaded the Strip — for the fourth time since Israel’s 2008-09 Cast Lead aggression on Gaza. According to the Times of Israel, the “IDF… mis(led) foreign media on (a) Gaza ground invasion,” adding: An initial pre-dawn Friday statement  said “IDF air and […]

Fact Check – O.N.S. lie to the public to support the restrictions imposed for the past year

THE DAILY EXPOSE • MAY 12, 2021 The Office for National Statistics have released a summary of the past twelve months entitled ‘Coronavirus: a year like no other’, in which they have done their best to justify the United Kingdom turning into a dictatorial, nanny state. However when you read the small print within the […]

Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on suppression of early treatment of COVID in favor of “vaccines”

By Brian Shilhavy | Health Impact News | May 13, 2021 To use an old cliché, “the cat is out of the bag.” For perhaps the first time since the COVID Plandemic started at the beginning of 2020, Americans who get most of their information solely through the corporate media, which is heavily funded by Big Pharma, […]

Emails show US Justice Dept Threatened MIT researchers who refuted voter fraud claims in Bolivian election

RT | May 11, 2021 An email exchange in which a US Justice Department (DOJ) lawyer threatens to subpoena academics who refuted voter fraud allegations in Bolivia’s 2019 presidential election has been leaked, fueling speculation of US involvement. Between October 2020 and January 2021, Angela George – a trial attorney at the DOJ’s Office of […]

CNN’s Cooper Accuses Rand Paul Of ‘Disrespecting Medical Science’ For Questioning Fauci

By Steve Watson | Summit News | May 12, 2021 Following another confrontation between Senator Rand Paul and White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci Tuesday, during which Paul questioned Fauci about his extensive ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, CNN’s Anderson Cooper declared that Paul should “have more respect at least for medical science.” In a […]