debt slavery

Reflecting On Paul Craig Roberts: What If The US GDP Was Only $12 Trillion?

Paul Craig Roberts in an interview with King World News said the US economy is nowhere near the $17 trillion GDP the administration is claiming. He said the government has been lying about inflation and unemployment since 1980. In particular he criticized Michael Boskin who headed the Congressional Advisory Commission on the Consumer Price Index better known as the Boskin Commission in 1995. Boskin had been a Republican appointee but was an acceptable Chairman to Clinton supporters. He supported NAFTA which has since its passage sent more than 12 million jobs overseas.

Reflecting On Paul Craig Roberts: What If The US GDP Was Only $12 Trillion?

Paul Craig Roberts in an interview with King World News said the US economy is nowhere near the $17 trillion GDP the administration is claiming. He said the government has been lying about inflation and unemployment since 1980. In particular he criticized Michael Boskin who headed the Congressional Advisory Commission on the Consumer Price Index better known as the Boskin Commission in 1995. Boskin had been a Republican appointee but was an acceptable Chairman to Clinton supporters. He supported NAFTA which has since its passage sent more than 12 million jobs overseas.

Obama The Destroyer. A Tale Of Two Nations

Obama has pretty much destroyed Iraq. In the midst of mass executions and roadside beheadings, Obama has really done nothing to help the people of Iraq. What he did do was to set this mayhem in motion. He began by hiring Al Qaeda and other mercenary Jihadists to take down Libya with the help of nearly 30,000 NATO air strikes, some Special Forces and commandos on the ground and a few companies of Qatari soldiers. After the public execution of Muammar Qaddafi, Obama’s mercenaries went on to kill 40,000 black Libyans.

Obama The Destroyer. A Tale Of Two Nations

Obama has pretty much destroyed Iraq. In the midst of mass executions and roadside beheadings, Obama has really done nothing to help the people of Iraq. What he did do was to set this mayhem in motion. He began by hiring Al Qaeda and other mercenary Jihadists to take down Libya with the help of nearly 30,000 NATO air strikes, some Special Forces and commandos on the ground and a few companies of Qatari soldiers. After the public execution of Muammar Qaddafi, Obama’s mercenaries went on to kill 40,000 black Libyans.

So What Happens When The Number Of Impoverished Americans Passes 200 Million?

We have been living for decades under what Catherine Austin Fitts calls the Slow Burn where all of our assets are stolen from us by the Power Elite on Wall Street.  She said Wall Street has stolen $40 trillion from us over the years through fraud and coercion. And they will steal more. She was the former Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration and had been the managing partner at Dillon Read. Catherine was run out of Washington for being too honest. She once found a single block in San Diego with $20 million in defaulted HUD loans.

So What Happens When The Number Of Impoverished Americans Passes 200 Million?

We have been living for decades under what Catherine Austin Fitts calls the Slow Burn where all of our assets are stolen from us by the Power Elite on Wall Street.  She said Wall Street has stolen $40 trillion from us over the years through fraud and coercion. And they will steal more. She was the former Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration and had been the managing partner at Dillon Read. Catherine was run out of Washington for being too honest. She once found a single block in San Diego with $20 million in defaulted HUD loans.