Debt Cancellation

Greeks Killed The Troika. Plus Serial Money Printing Exposed.

Catherine Austin Fitts said 2015 will be a violent and volatile year. She is cautiously optimistic about 2015 compared to others except that she does see the potential for war. She sees severe problems after 2015.
I disagree. I see far more violence in the Central Banks and in the markets than I do on the flashpoints of the Ukraine and the ever expanding Israeli border. The Eurogroup chief whispered to Greek FinMin’s ear “You just killed the Troika” and then Varoufakis replied with a simple “WOW!”

Would You Believe The US Economy Is Contracting at 0.1%, 2.9%, 9.8%, 10.5%, 11%?

The government originally said that the US economy as measured by the GDP shrank at 0.1% in the first quarter of 2014. And that was due to abnormally cold weather probably because Global Warming had been hiding at the bottom of the oceans. Now we are told the US economy actually contracted at 2.9%. This is starting to sound serious. Maybe we can coax that Global Warming to rise up out of the oceans. But Dr John Williams at Shadow Stats keeps much more reliable statistics on the cost of living and inflation.

Would You Believe The US Economy Is Contracting at 0.1%, 2.9%, 9.8%, 10.5%, 11%?

The government originally said that the US economy as measured by the GDP shrank at 0.1% in the first quarter of 2014. And that was due to abnormally cold weather probably because Global Warming had been hiding at the bottom of the oceans. Now we are told the US economy actually contracted at 2.9%. This is starting to sound serious. Maybe we can coax that Global Warming to rise up out of the oceans. But Dr John Williams at Shadow Stats keeps much more reliable statistics on the cost of living and inflation.

Reversing The Decline Of The Working And Middle Classes

Zero Hedge had an article the other day on the decline of the middle class. I would like to include in my discussion the working class because America used to have a skilled work force that was as highly paid as many members of the middle class.
I have dedicated myself to preventing World War III and to the abolition of poverty for the working poor. Today I will address the latter though I believe it will form the basis of saying No to war. Frankly, Americans have the lost the ability to say No to Wall Street and to wars for Israel.