
Hillary-- Not As Bad As A Republican! Really

CNN is reporting that McConnell plans to hold Social Security and Medicare hostage in upcoming debt ceiling debates when the government runs out of money (around November 5 or so). McConnell is wowing to not raise the debt limit-- forcing the government to go bankrupt and renew on its debts-- unless the Obama and the Democrats agree to deep cuts to Social Security and to Medicare.

Jeb And Trumpy Debated The Efficacy Of Political Bribery-- Though Not The Morality Or Criminality

Although I loved the Rand Paul/Trumpy junior high exchange and Rand Paul's line that "there will always be a Bush or a Clinton for you if you want to go back to Iraq," probably the most memorable bits from CNN's long, mostly boring debate Wednesday night were when Jeb defended the honor of his brother's failed presidency by making the absurd statement that "he kept us safe," forgetting, apparently, the worst disaster to have happened on American soil in over a century;

No, Fiorina Didn't Win Last Night's Debate, Despite What The Villagers Wanted And What They're Saying Today

Going into last night's CNN debate, Trump certainly had a target on his back-- and he knew it. Last night and this morning the TV gasbags and clueless pundits all declared Fiorina the winner. But debate viewers didn't agree, not even close. She came in a very distant second to Trump in the Drudge post-debate poll.

No more "Daily Show with Jon Stewart"? Guess I'll have to get my debate coverage from "The Borowitz Report"

Plus: I advance my latest theory as to why allthese Republicans are "running for president""[Jon] Stewart leaves behind a legacy of having raised the bar for political discourse — to jostle folks as they laugh at political folly, to remind people of the real-world consequences embedded in those punchlines, to demand that, amidst all late-night shucking-and-jiving, people in power should be held accountable for the state of our nation."-- Rolling Stone's Matthew Love, in "How J

Dare we dream of a day when we won't have The Donald to kick around anymore? (Soon, please!!!)

Macy's joins the ranks of companies cutting the cordOoh, this isn't quite what The Donald said originally, is it?by KenThere are mysteries that, even as they begin to fade from view, actually become more rather than less mysterious.As you may have noticed, a number of companies that have had business ties with Donald Trump have taken steps to extricate themselves fr

Can An Ad Win An Election?

Politics as a bloodsport even predates Ted Cruz immigrating to the United States. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr weren't dueling over a damsel. That video above may win a congressional seat for Carl Sciortino because people like the message. No, not especially the messages on the Blue America billboards based on the video, although those are popular messages in MA-05. But it is the message of comity between an unabashed progressive and a Tea Party member that makes it so compelling.

Is it really a great idea for the GOP to have presidential debates moderated by a guy who's sworn to keep one candidate from getting their nod?

What? You think right-wing hate talker Mark Levin shouldn't moderate GOP presidential debates just 'cause he's said, "I will do everything I can, in my little way, to make sure [Chris Christie] is not the nominee"?by KenSo let's pretend that you're a large-ish political party and you occasionally like to run candidates for high political office, possibly including president of the United States.