
LIONEL PODCAST: #LOTUS4POTUS Selection Eve – America Doomed, a Republic in Freefall

MAKE AMERICA SANE AGAIN. “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Thus spake America’s anarchist sweetheart Emma Goldman. But E-Go never met Lionel and would have certainly changed her tune once she reviewed his courageous, bold and revolutionary platform. For POTUS . . .  LOTUS (Lionel of the United States).

LIONEL PODCAST: No Matter What Weiner or Hillary or Huma Do, Voting Changes Nothing in a Corrupt System

“Nothing is said or done about the issues that neither left or right is discussing.”
The Hegelian Dialectic. Formulated by German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the Hegelian Dialectic provides that the human mind cannot understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites, i.e. the Left/Right. It’s why this nonsense doesn’t matter.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Most Comprehensive and Breathtaking Explanation and Disquisition of the Horror That Is #Election2016

We’re a classy country that appreciates decorum and elegance. Just not for elections. But always. Even our hallowed roster of esteemed and venerable entertainers weighed in with untold panache and style. I apologize in advance. It’s what and who we’ve become. We’re lost as a civilization, devolving daily as is are once believe republic. Don’t ever think that we can’t or won’t go the way of Rome. Enjoy this disquisition and summary of #Election2016. It’s all you need to know.

What Political Debates Would Look Like If I Was In Charge

-by NoahIntro: Ok. The last presidential debate is over. Done. Like anyone else with at least half a mind (Yeah, I know that leaves out Rudy Giuliani and others). I am disgusted with the whole enterprise. With that in mind, I thought I would benefit mankind by drawing up a plan for how political debates would run if I were in charge. Here you go: 14 steps to a more sensible approach to our political debate process. Says who? Says me!1. All debates would be held in a court of law. There would be background music as the show began.