
Say NO to Aadhar – sign the petition

Sign the petition here. Text of the petition I’m Saying NO to Aadhaar We the undersigned wish to place on record our opposition to the Aadhaar scheme which is being aggressively pushed by the government in complete violation of norms, procedures and Supreme Court orders.  Many of us have resisted enrolment. Many of us are … Continue reading Say NO to Aadhar – sign the petition

Sexual Harassment in the Academia – What the Hitlist Misses: Debaditya Bhattacharya and Rina Ramdev

This is a GUEST POST by DEBADITYA BHATTACHARYA and  RINA RAMDEV   The past few years have not allowed us the respite to prepare for a fight. We were perpetually donning our war-gear – often forced without necessary ammunition into a battle that raged through parliaments and streets and colleges and colonies and our doorsteps. … Continue reading Sexual Harassment in the Academia – What the Hitlist Misses: Debaditya Bhattacharya and Rina Ramdev

Response to ‘From Feminazi to Savarna Rape Apologist in 24 hours’: Sayantan Datta

Guest post by SAYANTAN DATTA  [Note- The author believes that the structure of language has mirrored the patriarchal structure of the society, and therefore they practices aungendering mechanism persynally by neutralizing gendered roots of some words.] I write this from my persynal discomfort with Prof.Menon’s recent response – this, although situated in the ‘Name and … Continue reading Response to ‘From Feminazi to Savarna Rape Apologist in 24 hours’: Sayantan Datta

From Feminazi to Savarna Rape Apologist in 24 hours

Two explanations before I begin. First – I write this in my personal capacity. In this article I represent none of the other signatories to the statement that appealed for the crowd-sourced list of sexual offenders to be withdrawn, and for complaints to be followed through institutional mechanisms (henceforward referred to as Statement). I might … Continue reading From Feminazi to Savarna Rape Apologist in 24 hours

Statement by feminists on Facebook campaign to “Name and Shame”

As feminists, we have been part of a long struggle to make visible sexual harassment at the workplace, and have worked with the movement to put in place systems of transparent and just procedures of accountability. We are dismayed by the initiative on Facebook, in which men are being listed and named as sexual harassers with … Continue reading Statement by feminists on Facebook campaign to “Name and Shame”

Deendayal Upadhyaya : BJP’s ‘Gandhi’ !

( This article would appear in the coming issue of ‘Think India Quarterly’) (Photo Courtesy : jansatta)    ..Kovind acknowledged that “the key to India’s success is its diversity” and “our diversity is the core that makes us so unique” and ended his speech with a call to build an egalitarian society as “envisioned by … Continue reading Deendayal Upadhyaya : BJP’s ‘Gandhi’ !

एक  नायक की तलाश में भाजपा 

दीनदयाल उपाध्याय: भाजपा के ‘गांधी’ ( Photo Courtesy : एक पेड़विहीन देश में एक एरंड भी बड़ा पेड़ कहलाता है – एक  संस्कृत सुभाषित का रूपांतरण /In a treeless country even castor counts for a big tree/ /संदर्भ:   राष्ट्रपति कोविन्द ने इस बात को स्वीकारा कि ‘‘भारत की कामयाबी की कंुजी उसकी विविधता …

Violence against women – two patriarchal judgements: Gargi Mishra and Shreya Munoth

Guest post by GARGI MISHRA AND SHREYA MUNOTH  Do a woman’s attire, appearance, sexual history or prior relationship with a perpetrator of sexual violence constitute a valid defence for a perpetrator of a sexual offence? Does the meaning of consent vary for educated women? The law, as it stands, doesn’t permit these factors to be … Continue reading Violence against women – two patriarchal judgements: Gargi Mishra and Shreya Munoth

Defend the tradition of fighting for the oppressed: Sohail Hashmi writes to the Chief Minister of Kerala

(This is the text of the open letter written by the eminent left cultural activist Sohail Hashmi to Com. Pinarayi Vijayan on the Hadiya case) The Honourable Chief Minister of Kerala Shri Pinarayi Vijayan 7th October, 2017 Dear Shri Pinarayi Vijayan, I write to you because I am unable to understand how the Left Front … Continue reading Defend the tradition of fighting for the oppressed: Sohail Hashmi writes to the Chief Minister of Kerala