
Thejus – The Death of a Daily Newspaper

[This is a GUEST POST by N P CHEKKUTTY]   It is rarely that a journalist writes about himself or herself, because they are supposed  to be detached observers of history-in-the-making. But this time I cannot help it because one of the things that happened in the Sabarimala-obsessed state of Kerala this week happens to … Continue reading Thejus – The Death of a Daily Newspaper →

Hindutva Terror and Left Hegemony: After Women’s Entry into Sabarimala

Hours after the two women entered Sabarimala, the Hindu terrorists began their handiwork. Mad mobs, including women, began to roam the streets and attack by-passers, in their desperation to foment violence and provoke riots. In Karunagappally, Muslim establishments and shops were singled out for vandalism. The Sangh-backed Sabarimala Action Council called for a hartal today … Continue reading Hindutva Terror and Left Hegemony: After Women’s Entry into Sabarimala →

The Triumph of Streevaashi! Women break the wall of caste at Sabarimala

Out of the dark, seemingly never-ending night, a streak of light! Two women of menstruating ages, Bindu and Kanakdurga, finally entered Sabarimala, breaking the concerted walls built against them by brahmanical-Hindutva male authorities on the right and left. The past months have been times of terrible despair for all , with women who attempted the … Continue reading The Triumph of Streevaashi! Women break the wall of caste at Sabarimala →

हिंदी समाज में हीरा डोम की तलाश – स्मृतिलोप  से हट कर यथार्थ की ओर

( अकार, 51 – हिंदी समाज पर केंद्रित अंक में जल्द ही प्रकाशित) ‘देवताओं, मंदिरों और ऋषियों का यह देश ! इसलिए क्या यहां सबकुछ अमर है ? वर्ण अमर, जाति अमर, अस्पृश्यता अमर ! ..युग के बाद युग आए ! बड़े बड़े चक्रवर्ती आये ! ..दार्शनिक आए ! फिर भी   अस्पृश्यता  , विषमता अमर है !

आई आई टी मद्रास – आधुनिक दौर का अग्रहरम !

नागेश / बदला हुआ नाम/ – जो आई आई टी मद्रास में अध्ययनरत एक तेज विद्यार्थी है, तथा समाज के बेहद गरीब तबके से आता है – उसे उस दिन मेस में प्रवेश करते वक्त़ जिस अपमानजनक अनुभव से गुजरना पड़ा, वह नाकाबिले बयानात कहा जा सकता है। उसे अपने गांव की जातीय संरचना की … Continue reading आई आई टी मद्रास – आधुनिक दौर का अग्रहरम ! →

IIT-Madras, a Modern Day Agraharam ?

The institute’s recent order, now withdrawn, of separate entrance for non-vegetarians is just a part of the overall policing and push for vegetarianism after the Modi government’s ascent. Image Courtesy: Catch News   Nagesh (name changed), a bright student at the Indian Institute of Technology- Madras, who hails from a very poor economic background, had … Continue reading IIT-Madras, a Modern Day Agraharam ? →

पवित्र गाय, त्याज्य लोग !

..बुलंदशहर की घटनाएं इस बात की ताईद करती हैं कि  हिंदुत्व वर्चस्ववाद का यह नज़रिया जिसमें मानवीय जीवन के प्रति गहरी असम्वेदनशीलता और असम्पृक्तता  टपकती है और जो एक चतुष्पाद को पूजनीय बनाती है, आज उरूज पर है।.. ( Photo Courtesy : कभी कभी एक अदद वक्तव्य किसी नेता की एकमात्र निशानी बन कर … Continue reading पवित्र गाय, त्याज्य लोग ! →

Sacred Cows, Disposable Humans

The Bulandshahr mob killings show that the Hindutva Supremacist world view, which has complete apathy and indifference toward human life and puts a four-legged animal on a pedestal, is on the ascendance. “It is a curious people. With them, all life seems to be sacred except human life.” – Mark Twain on Indians. A single … Continue reading Sacred Cows, Disposable Humans →

Of Angry Women and Insecure Men – Hindi cinema and the MeToo Age: Rama Srinivasan

Guest Post by RAMA SRINIVASAN Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything.” ― Jane Austen, Persuasion Austen’s words, a searing commentary on how patriarchy controls the narrative, … Continue reading Of Angry Women and Insecure Men – Hindi cinema and the MeToo Age: Rama Srinivasan →