
रामचरण मुंडा की मौत पर दो मिनट का मौन!

सोचने का सवाल है कि क्या इन मौतों को महज तकनीकी गड़बड़ियों तक न्यूनीकृत किया जा सकता है? क्या इसके कोई संरचनागत कारण नहीं हैं? ‘आखिर अधिक अनाज पैदा करने के बावजूद हम भूख की समस्या को मिटा क्यों नहीं पा रहे हैं। ‘‘रामचरण मुंडा, उम्र 65 साल को विगत दो माह से सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली के तहत … Continue reading रामचरण मुंडा की मौत पर दो मिनट का मौन! →

God in the Classroom!

Unfolding Debate about Secularising Education ( To be published in ‘Indian Journal of Secularism) “There is in every village a torch – the teacher; and an extinguisher – the priest.” -Victor Hugo Introduction “Keep the words God, Jesus and the devil out of the classroom.” A school teacher’s message on the first day of the … Continue reading God in the Classroom! →

Picking Humanity Over Religion: A Small but Critical Step

The idea of education being imparted without any compulsion to declare one’s religion is definitely a welcome thing Principal’s office of Bethune College, Kolkata, which included Humanity as an option under the religion category. Image Courtesy: college dunia   A college admission form introducing new options under ‘religion’? Talking about humanity, secular, non-religious, atheism! Well, in … Continue reading Picking Humanity Over Religion: A Small but Critical Step →

Arming Children, Securing a Future?

By distributing knives to meritorious children, organisations like the Hindu Mahasabha, are trying to give religious legitimacy to what is essentially a political use of faith. Image courtesy: Twitter What does an organisation do when it wants to congratulate meritorious students who have excelled in exams? Reward them with some gifts, say, books, and (if … Continue reading Arming Children, Securing a Future? →

Dear Hitler

Why does Hitler’s legacy in India greatly differs from that in the West. More removed from the traumas associated with World War II and the Holocaust   ……………………………………………………………………. ..An innocent question sometimes comes up with very troubling answer(s). J’admire ( I admire)… a simple exercise given to students to know from them whom they appreciate as … Continue reading Dear Hitler →

Democracy as Majoritarianism

Extract from the Preface of  ‘Hindutva’s Second Coming’ Preface Democracy as Majoritarianism “We can never forget that everything that Hitler did in Germany was ‘legal,’ and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did was ‘illegal.’ It was ‘illegal’ to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany, but I am sure that if I lived in … Continue reading Democracy as Majoritarianism →

संस्कृति की ज़मीन, बदलाव के बीज : रवि सिन्हा

Guest Post by Ravi Sinha 1. मार्क ट्वेन ने कभी कहा था – धूम्रपान की आदत छोड़ने में मैं ख़ासा माहिर हूँ; यह काम मैंने हज़ारों बार किया है.सन्धान की यह केवल तीसरी शुरुआत है. वह भी काग़ज़ पर छप कर नहीं. अभी केवल वेब-पेज़ के रूप में. अतः यह दावा तो नहीं किया जा … Continue reading संस्कृति की ज़मीन, बदलाव के बीज : रवि सिन्हा →

‘विश्व गुरु का सत्य’ और ज्ञान की दूसरी परम्परा : धीरेश सैनी

Guest Post by Dheeresh Saini – Review of ‘Charvak ke Vaaris’  `चार्वाक के वारिस` को पढ़ते हुए ही मुझे हिंदी के आलोचक और जेएनयू के रिटायर्ड प्रोफेसर नामवर सिंह के निधन की ख़बर मिली। एक ऐसी किताब को, जो भारतीय समाज-संस्कृति में अतीत से लेकर आज तक ज्ञान-विज्ञान की विभिन्न प्रगतिशील, विवेकवादी, तर्कवादी और विद्रोही धाराओं के प्रति वर्णवादी-ब्राह्मणवादी शक्तियों …

‘Mother to Indians’ Kasturba, Bose versus Hindu Sangathanists

“Kasturba Gandhi is no more. She died at the age of 74 in British jail….I salute this great woman who was like a mother to Indians ….Kasturba was an inspiration for millions of Indian girls with whom she lived and met during the freedom struggle of our motherland. She was party to the many travails … Continue reading ‘Mother to Indians’ Kasturba, Bose versus Hindu Sangathanists →

A Statement against Suppression of Dissent by IACLALS

We are publishing below a statement sent to us by the Indian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies against the suppression and criminalizing of dissent in India The Indian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (IACLALS) expresses its deep dismay over the continuing assault on civic freedoms and constitutional rights of writers, teachers, … Continue reading A Statement against Suppression of Dissent by IACLALS →