
संशोधित नागरिकता-कानून, जनसँख्या-रजिस्टर एवं नागरिकता-रजिस्टर – एक तथ्यात्मक ब्यौरा : सप्तरंग व नागरिक एकता एवं सद्भाव समिति

[संशोधित नागरिकता-कानून, जनसँख्या-रजिस्टर  (एन पी आर ) एवं नागरिकता-रजिस्टर (एन आर सी ) पर  निन्मलिखित परचा रोहतक ज़िले के दो संगठनों  – सप्तरंग  व नागरिक एकता व  सद्भाव समिति ने शाया किया है.

The Constitution as the ‘Social Contract’ of Modern India

    The  Constitution of India should be seen as a work-in-progress – not because it has been amended ever so often by different governments but because it has been taken over by ‘we, the people’, repeatedly, especially since the 1990s. The ‘authorized’ interpreters of the Constitution and Law are no longer its sole interpreters. … Continue reading The Constitution as the ‘Social Contract’ of Modern India →

How Hindutva Terror Outfits Hide in Plain Sight

The arrest of yet another alleged bomb-maker with right-wing links should lead to action at last. When Crimes shoot up, they become invisible. When pain becomes unbearable, cries are no longer heard.’ —Bertolt Brecht Can the provocations of a cabinet minister, who openly raises controversial slogans, be considered a “breach of peace” or are they merely … Continue reading How Hindutva Terror Outfits Hide in Plain Sight →

Hindutva: Get Egg on Your Face and Say ‘I am Loving it’

Hindutva is being embarrassed by the very people it has wooed, by means fair and foul. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s attempt to further his deeply-sectarian and divisive agenda at Belur Math, global headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission founded by Swami Vivekananda, has backfired. His controversial defence of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 at the … Continue reading Hindutva: Get Egg on Your Face and Say ‘I am Loving it’ →

Statement Issued by ‘Netherlands against CAA’ (Citizenship Amendment Act)

Guest Post by ‘Netherlands against CAA’ (A series of protests have been held in Netherlands against CAA by the Indian diaspora since last few days.  There was a protest at International Court of Justice ( ICJ) based in Hague on 30 th December. It was the fifth protest in last ten days. Pasted below a … Continue reading Statement Issued by ‘Netherlands against CAA’ (Citizenship Amendment Act) →

Ritwik Ghatak’s Family Members Object to Misuse of His Cinema by Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha

Members of Ritwik Ghatak’s extended family have issued the following statement, responding to reports appearing in the media about the BJP youth wing planning to use bits from Ghatak’s cinema for what appears to be some propaganda film about refugees and migrants.  We, the undersigned, family members of the late Shri Ritwik Kumar Ghatak, strongly … Continue reading Ritwik Ghatak’s Family Members Object to Misuse of His Cinema by Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha