
The Great VIRAL Debate: Dr Anderson’s Opening Statement

Dr Piers Robinson is our Chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition to be debated is: SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather than the herd/community immunity approach Dr Anderson delivers his opening statement in support of the proposition: I ask readers to reflect a little on health systems and the …

The Great Viral Debate

Tomorrow (Sat Oct 10) we launch the first round of our Covid19 debate featuring Drs Tim Anderson and Denis Rancourt. The global response to COVID-19 has been dominated by national and international responses involving unprecedented attempts to suppress and eliminate the virus. The responses have been controversial, however, and some scientists have questioned their wisdom …

Hathras and Beyond: the Upper Caste Counter-Revolution

If the post-Mandal Dalit Bahujan upsurge was an expression of the democratic revolution, the advent of Adityanath’s BJP government constituted the beginning of a counter-revolution that is on the way to consolidating itself in Uttar Pradesh. The facts of the case are well known, even though the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh is trying, … Continue reading Hathras and Beyond: the Upper Caste Counter-Revolution →

Unpacking Religious Nationalism

Review of ‘Religious Nationalism – Social Perceptions and Violence : Sectarianism on Political Chessboard‘- Ram Puniyani (Media House 2020) “Blatant dictatorship – in the form of fascism, communism, or military rule – has disappeared across much of the world. Military coups and other violent seizures of power are rare. Most countries hold regular elections. Democracies still … Continue reading Unpacking Religious Nationalism →

Debates-- Will They Even Be Worth The Time And Effort If Republicans All Start Behaving Like Trump?

Cone Of Shame by Nancy Ohanian  Nielsen reported that 27.3 million people watched Tuesday’s shitshow on the 4 broadcast networks, about a 35% drop-off from the 45 million who watched first debate of 2016 on those networks. From what I'm hearing and reading, people tended to tune in and become so horrified by Trump's shenanigans that they tuned out pretty quickly. Trump was just plain terrible; Biden wasn't particularly good.

How to see in the dark? An open letter to the women in cinema collective

Dear friends in the WCC I am writing to you at a time so dark that unless we hold hands and feel the warmth of each others’ palms, we may even lose our sense of reality. This is my way of holding your hand and gaining strength from your presence. In India today it is … Continue reading How to see in the dark? An open letter to the women in cinema collective →

No-Go Zone: Hysteria: White Supremacy, BLM/Antifa, ‘Cancel Debates’

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
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