
Emails linking Joe Biden to Ukrainian corruption appears to be official “October Surprise” [Video]

When the first news came out in the New York Post that a laptop computer left by an inebriated Hunter Biden contained e-mails implicating Hunter’s father, Democrat Presidential nominee Joe Biden, as having lied about having no involvement with Ukraine, it was difficult to ascertain if this story was going to take off. We published […]

India is Hungry: Who is Listening?

Hunger is a matter of structural anomalies. It cannot just be explained away by who holds the reins of power. Image Courtesy: Sabrang India The “good news” is that India now stands at the 94th position on the Global Hunger Report 2020’s ranking of 107 countries. India has improved several notches over its 102nd rank … Continue reading India is Hungry: Who is Listening? →

Today Has Been A Bad Day For Trump-- And It Looks Like He's Trying To Worm Out Of Thursday's Debate

 The Environmentalist by Nancy Ohanian The NY Times reported late yesterday that Señor T's "withdrawal from the second presidential debate led to the event’s cancellation. Now, three days ahead of the final debate, Mr. Trump’s campaign is demanding changes to the format and accusing the organizers of bias toward Joe Biden." Always so much drama with these people!

Great VIRAL Debate: Round 1: Dr Anderson’s First Response

We kick off Round One of The Great VIRAL Debate, following on from Opening Statements. Our participants, Drs Anderson and Rancourt, will now take turns responding to one another. Dr Piers Robinson is our chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition under debate is: SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather …

Great VIRAL Debate: Round 1: Dr Rancourt’s First Response

We kick off Round One of The Great VIRAL Debate, following on from Opening Statements. Our participants, Drs Anderson and Rancourt, will now take turns responding to one another. Dr Piers Robinson is our chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition under debate is: SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather …

Postcolonial Critiques of Modernity : Dr Ravi sinha

( New Socialist Initiative presents the 2nd Lecture* in the Series on Modernity, 18 th October 6 pm IST) *Youtube Link to the first lecture :                 Topic : Postcolonial Critiques of Modernity Abstract : In this lecture we will attempt a summary of and a distillation … Continue reading Postcolonial Critiques of Modernity : Dr Ravi sinha →

Petition to Ban Toxic News Channels

The following petition initiated by Prof Apoorvanand ; Bhasha Singh, Journalist/Activist ; Jitendra Kumar, Senior Journalist ;  Mahendra Mishra, Editor, Janchowk and Subhash Gatade appeals to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), The Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DICCI) and The Federation of … Continue reading Petition to Ban Toxic News Channels →

A history of conservative strike on books

Even in a future in which books are outlawed, ideas cannot be vanquished. “You may burn my books and the books of the best minds in Europe, but the ideas those books contain have passed through millions of channels and will go on,” wrote Helen Keller, in An Open Letter to German Students in 1933. Keller’s How I … Continue reading A history of conservative strike on books →

The Great VIRAL Debate Is Underway!

The Great VIRAL Debate is now underway, with the opening statements from our eminent debaters, Drs Tim Anderson and Denis Rancourt (linked below!). We’ve published their opening statements as separate articles, and this linking piece allows us to feature both participants equally in our ‘featured’ slot. The question they are debating is as follows: SARS-COV-2 …

The Great VIRAL Debate: Dr Rancourt’s Opening Statement

Dr Piers Robinson is our Chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition to be debated is: SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather than the herd/community immunity approach Dr Rancourt delivers his opening statement, arguing against the proposition: The events of COVID-19 can be analysed by unembedded critical commentators following different …