How The DCCC Is Abandoning Pennsylvania Democrats Once Again

How an incompetent DCCC has reshaped the political landscape of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, one of the most egregiously gerrymandered states in the country, has 18 congressional seats. Even though it's a blue state-- Obama beat McCain 3,192,316 (54.7%) to 2,586,496 (44.3%) and beat Romney 2,907,448 (52.0%) to 2,619,58 (46.8%); Bob Casey beat Tom Smith for the U.S.

Is The DCCC As Hated Among Florida Democrats As It Is Among California Democrats?

Every bit as horrible as the last DCCC chairman-- and the one before thatA few days ago we looked at why California Democratic Party activists have been rejecting the DCCC and telling them to go shove their corrupt conservative candidates up Ben Ray Luján's and Steve Israel's asses. But a growing hatred for the DCCC among Democrats isn't confined to California.

Why The DCCC Is Anathema To California Democratic Activists And Progressives

Lou Vince was the pick of 82% of CA-25 party leaders, despite corrupt DCCC boss Steve IsraelYesterday, Gallup released a survey showing that voter identification with the Democratic Party has sunk to an all-time low, just 29% (slightly better than the GOP's 26%), as more and more people view themselves as independents (42%).

The Republicans May Mourn The Loss But Steve Israel Is A Name To Be Quickly And Unceremoniously Forgotten

Unless this is the first time you've come to DWT you can probably guess that yesterday was a very special day for me: Steve Israel announcing he is retiring from Congress. The details haven't come out yet but there is little doubt he isn't retiring to spend more time as a failed author of inconsequential books.

Demographics Could Kill The GOP Off-- But Not In Congress, Not While Pelosi Controls The DCCC

Steve Israel and his new DCCC "chairman"Probably the two top recommendations of the Republican Party's official autopsy gf the Romney campaign were that the party had to make itself more attractive to Latinos and more attractive to young voters. The response from the Republican party base was not just hostile... it was the emergence of Herr Trumpf.