Demanufacturing Consent: Ioan Grillo on Vigilante Justice in Mexico’s Drug War

DC on BFP #27 | Ioan Grillo, author of El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, joins us to discuss the violence in Michoacan and the rise of "autodefensas" (civilian self-defense groups). Also, "narco culture," media and the risk of sensationalism, marijuana legalization, and the drug war economy.

Demanufacturing Consent: Peter Ludlow on Aaron Swartz’s Legacy, SOPA 2.0, and Net Neutrality

DC on BFP #25 | Peter Ludlow joins us to discuss the legacy of Aaron Swartz, as both an internet pioneer and vocal activist, one year after an overzealous prosecution led to his suicide. Also, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, SOPA 2.0, the TPP, Net Neutrality, Verizon v. FCC, and much more

Demanufacturing Consent: Stanley Cohen on the PayPal 14, Pierre’s Shame, and the Billionaire Independent Media

DC on BFP #24 | Stanley Cohen discusses the PayPal 14, who they are, what they did, why they did it, and the shameful actions of eBay and Pierre Omidyar throughout the ordeal. Also, thoughts on the new "hip Rupert Murdoch," the rise of the "billionaire independent media," and much more.

Demanufacturing Consent: “Mainstream Isn’t ‘Moderate Truth,’ It’s the Corruption of Truth!” with Ben Swann

DC on BFP #20 | Ben Swann and Guillermo Jimenez discuss a variety of issues, including jury nullification, the drug war, the militarization of federally subsidized local police departments, the Boston Marathon Bombing and Ibragim Todashev, internet freedom, net neutrality, and so much more.