David Pepper

How Would A President Sherrod Brown Run The Democratic Party? Like A Corporate Clown Act

-by Tim RussoLet me tell you about one of my favorite hangovers.As one of the landed gentry of the Ohio blogosphere’s glory days, my weakness (and finest work) was always internal Ohio Democratic Party coverage, especially the selection of state chair. I made something of a career covering the Ohio Democratic Party’s two most recent elections of a state chair; in 2005, and 2014, plus all the mind blowing corrupt buffoonery in between.

Can You Really Learn More From Fiction Than From Our Political Media? Do I Even Need To Answer That Question?

"We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president...We live in a time where we have a man who's sending us to war for fictitious reasons...we like non-fiction, and we are living in fictitious times."This is how Michael Moore put it during his acceptance speech for Best Documentary for Bowling for Columbine at the Academy Awards in March of 2003. He was right, of course.