David Gill

The Far Right Has Plans To Kill The Progressive Movement By Neutering The Union Movement

Just as we prepare for the Labor Day weekend, Guardian reporter Ed Pilkington exposes a plot by a right-wing alliance to "defund and defang" the American union movement. That's hardly new but after years of whittling down the union movement, the conservatives see an opportunity for a knock out blow.

A Key Issue In Democratic Primary Battles-- Medicare-For-All Or Not?

Sunday evening in Leeds, Jared Golden wrapped up his announcement tour as a congressional candidate for the sprawling Maine district he seeks to represent. He spoke at his parents' house and told his supporters that he "plans to make this campaign about working class Mainers... Speaking of jobs," he continued, let’s talk about Bruce Poliquin’s health care vote. He’s the only member of Maine’s Congressional delegation that voted to take health care away from tens of thousands of Mainers.

Trump's Infrastructure Scam

The last time we looked at Ted Lieu's infrastructure legislation there were 33 co-sponsors. That was back at the end of May when he introduced it-- HCR 63-- "Supporting efforts to enact a bold jobs and infrastructure package that benefits all Americans, not just billionaires." Now there are 85 co-sponsors-- including, not just the progressives who backed Lieu's plan originally, but even some of the most reactionary Democrats in Congress.

Mad Dog Donald Trump Has A New Target-- Vulnerable Seniors In Long Term Care Facilities

What's more exciting, watching the new season of Game of Thrones or the new season of the Señor Trumpanzee Presidency? Remember, though, while we're being distracted by the outrageous antics of America's first-ever kakistocracy, they're working behind the scenes to chip away at everything that makes America great... little by little, relentlessly. Their latest victims: residents of nursing homes. No, really...

Economic Inequality Matters

This afternoon, Alan Grayson, who had just watched the video above, told us that "Since the Enlightenment began, people have been fishing around for some kind of extrinsic validation of the concept of 'justice' For instance, the first two sentences of the Declaration of Independence appeal to 'the Laws of Nature,' 'Nature’s God,' the 'opinions of mankind' and the 'Creator.' What the de Waal experiment shows is that there is no need to look outside of ourselves to justify justice; we can look inside. If it’s in capuchin monkeys, then surely it’s in us, too. All of us."David Gill is an emerge

Is It OK To Campaign For Congress On "Medicare-For-All?"

The other day I was talking with a first-time Democratic candidate who has a bit of a reputation as a centrist, although he insist-- at least to me-- that he's a progressive. I'm not persuaded. He says he's kind of, sort of good with Medicare-For-All but there's no way he'd say he's going to co-sponsor John Conyers Medicare-For-All bill.

Americans Pay More For Prescription Drugs Because Our Politicians Take Bribes From Pharmaceutical Companies

For me, one of the worst-- and longest lasting-- side effects from chemotherapy is peripheral neuropathy. I'll spare you the details but it's gotten worse, and continues to get worse, with time. Yesterday, my doctor told me that there are ongoing studies that show an anti-convulsive compound, lacosamide, which is used to treat epilepsy and seizures, has been effective for some people in treating peripheral neuropathy.

You Can't Say Trump Brought Back A Know Nothing Ethos-- Since It's Never Really Gone Away

Jews voted overwhelmingly for Hillary against Trump last year, but immigrant Jews, especially from Russia, voted for Trump. Emma Lazarus was born in 1849 to a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany, although she is known for her writings about Russian Jewish immigrants who fled the pogroms that followed the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881.