David Frum

The Age Of Trumpanzee-- A Bottomless Tasting Menu Of National Debasement

Sam Tanenhaus has a worthwhile essay, On The Front Lines Of The GOP's Civil War in the new Esquire. The most obvious question, though, is whether they really is a civil war at all. He claims "Never Trumpers" are "rallying once more to keep him from destroying the country." None are in Congress or, if there are any, they're playing possum.

Neocon war criminal tells CNN viewers to trust media because it lies (Video)

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CNN pundit David Frum on fake news: Trust blunder-prone media as they expose Trump

RT | December 11, 2017 Factually inaccurate reports are a natural by-product of fighting Donald Trump’s “system of lies”, CNN pundit David Frum has reassured the public. The Atlantic senior editor’s comments were made in the wake of false reporting by ABC and CNN. “The mistakes are precisely the reason people should trust the media,” […]

Democrats Should Aim To Replace An Even 100 GOP Congressmembers

The DCCC launched an on-line ad campaign against something like 40 Republicans, including 9 California targets: Jeff Denham, Devin Nunes, David Valadao, Steve Knight, Ed Royce, Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher, Darrell Issa, and Duncan Hunter. I'm sure there's a reason they're not including House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in the campaign (nor for that matter Paul Ryan. Oh, that's right, Pelosi doesn't believe in targeting Republican leaders; I almost forgot.

The Collapse Of Paul Ryan

David Frum seems disappointed in Paul Ryan: "October 2017 is already late to recognize Donald Trump for what he is and what he is doing, and next year will be later, and the year after that later still. Someday, I’m sure, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will unburden himself of the agonies he felt during all the time he enabled and empowered this president to do the harm under which Ryan writhed.

Is Trump A Crazy Liar? The Evidence Is Clear And Indisputable. Is Venereal Disease The Cause?

All through his miserable, worthless life Señor Trumpanzee, when caught lying, pushed back with swagger and hysteria and insisting he has "proof." Since going from being merely a crooked businessman to having wormed his way into national politics, he's insisted he's had "proof" when caught lying... about Obama wiretapping him. We still haven't seen the proof, have we?

America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars

Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East? Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • September 19, 2017 I spoke recently at a conference on America’s war party where afterwards an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked, “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has […]

Was It The Lobotomizing Of Conservative Intellectualism That Guaranteed The Rise Of Trumpy-The-Clown?

The end of the GOP?Friday, writing for The Atlantic, former Bush staffer David Frum noted the “mounting evidence” that Putin inflicted Trump on us by putting him into the White House and asked a poignant question for all Americans: What Happens When A Presidency Loses Its Legitimacy?.

Señor Trumpanzee Goes To Europe-- Putin Victory Dance

No matter how much it cost Putin to first bribe and then install Trump in the White House, it has paid off for him... in spades. Trump's first disastrous foray into Europe couldn't have gone better for Russia if Putin scripted it himself. Since the late 40's, Russia's top strategic goal in Europe has been to break up the German-American alliance.