David Frum

Even A Corpse Could Probably Beat Trump-- And The Democratic Establishment Intends To Force That Choice On The Country

What happens when a narcissist runs a crisis? That's what Jennifer Senior asked in her NY Times column on Sunday, referring poetically to his "cramped and disordered mind, a darkened attic of fluttering bats" and to his "narcissistic personality disorder." She worried that in the midst of a global pandemic, his pathology is endangering not just institutions, but lives.

How Dangerous Is Trump To America As A Foreign Asset?

Yesterday, in his Atlantic column, David Frum delved into a sordid piece of British history that led to the Founding Fathers including the power of impeachment in the Constitution. The recently restored Charles II of Great Britain, in need of money he couldn't get from Parliament, accepted bribes from the French Sun King, Louis XIV, in return for Dunkirk, then a British base on the coast of France (and for Charles' pledge to convert to Catholicism).

Mueller's Live Statement Yesterday Was Aimed At Congress, Especially House Democrats And Their Cowardly Leaders

In a move that perfectly mimics Orwell's Ministry of Truth, the Trumpist Regime has begun calling toxic hydrocarbon pollutants "molecules of freedom." So why should it surprise any one that Señor Trumpanzee himself, moments after watching Mueller give that televised statement above, tweeted/gaslighted something that could have come from an alternative universe?

Trump's Pogram And People On Both Sides Of The Aisle

Sparks by Nancy OhanianIvanka and Kushner-in-law are Jews. When government-sanctioned Cossacks-- quietly sanctioned-- were murdering Jews in Imperial Russia there were tsars who protected wealthy Jews in St. Petersburg. A few years ago, I visited the Grand Choral Synagogue that Alexander II sanctioned in 1869 at the request of wealthy Jewish financier Joseph Günzburg-- loudly sanctioned-- Petersburg's first synogogue.

Worst White House Occupant Ever? What About His GOP Enablers?

Señor Trumpanzee is flipping out over Michael Wolff’s book-- completely deranged-- and claiming he’s “stable” and “a genius” and that Bannon has an 80 IQ. Trump is insane and should be impeached immediately under the terms of the 25th Amendment. The voters should deal with the Republicans who, knowing full well that Trump is a dangerous sociopath, enabled him anyway-- especially Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.