David Dayen

Aside From The Legalistic Bribes, What Makes Politicians Tick?

Not long ago a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked respondents about their own incumbent Member of Congress: "In the next election for U.S. Congress, do you feel that your representative deserves to be reelected, or do you think that it is time to give a new person a chance?" Only 35% thought their Member had earned reelection. 57% said it is time for a new person.

The Omnibus Could Have Been Worse, But That's Not A Reason To Celebrate It

Paul Ryan sold the Omnibus by promising the radicals in his conference a much harsher attitude-- complete with much harsher actions against working families-- next year, which is-- buried beneath the silken, inspiring tones-- trumpeted in the very slick video he released yesterday (above). It looks like every member of the Freedom Caucus voted NO anyway, even if it was just a carefully choreographed little dance that was done for the sake of whomever is taken in by this kind of bullshit.

Fast Track Will Also Apply to TISA, the "Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About"

An army of lobbyists knocking down the doors of Congress (source; click image for the full effect) by Gaius Publius Fast Track is not just a path to TPP ... it's evil all on its own. There's now another leaked "trade" deal, called TISA, and Fast Track will "fast-track" that one too. Want your municipal water service privatized?

Barney Frank Drops A Financial Crisis Bombshell; The Press Responds With Silence

by Gaius PubliusI can't take credit for this, though I wish I could. David Dayen, who writes at Salon, has been reading Barney Frank's new book Frank and also its reviews. Dayen is one of the most knowledgeable writers on the mortgage and financial crises — both. (Note to readers: It's not a financial crisis if there's no mortgage crisis.

Jerry Brown Runs Into Trouble-- Conscious Grassroots Democrats

Do you notice that it isn't just conservatives who don't care about protecting the planet but that there's also a fault line between young people-- who believe in a future-- and lots of old people, who just don't get all that worked up over the future? For the record, I'm old-- and I very much do care about preserving our planet.