David Dayen

The Big Question: Will The Democrats Stand Up To Trumpism?

The fascist cadres surrounding Trump-- from politicians like Mike Pence, Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions to predatory billionaires like Betsy DeVos, Steve Mnuchin, Robert Mercer, the Kochs and Wilbur Ross-- are attacking the American core on so many fronts that its unimaginable that congressional Democrats-- led in the Senate by a severely compromised Chuck Schumer and in the

Supporting Trump's Infrastructure Bill-- What Could Go Wrong?

Friday, Morning Consult published polling that shows that among Republican voters, priorities aren't identical to Trump's. Passing an infrastructure bill seems to be what he's signaling what he wants to do first. It's way down the list for his supporters, as you can see in the chart below. Trump, when asked: "A lot of really great priorities.

The Dictatorship of the Lawyers

Let’s start with some stats. The District of Columbia has the densest concentration of lawyers in the world. If you factor in the fact that 88% of lawyers are white and 60% of the capital’s population are minorities, you end up with some really mind warping numbers.
The population of the District is 672,000 (2015 census) and the number of households is slightly over 250,000. With 52,000 lawyers running around – it means that you can find a lawyer by randomly knocking on five doors. If you happen to be looking for a lawyer in Georgetown, a couple of knocks should do the trick.

Hillary Clinton And The Culture Of Corruption

New Yorkers elected Hillary to the U.S. Senate twice. Before they vote Tuesday they should ask themselves what she accomplished to make their lives better while they were providing her with that stepping stone to great wealth and career advancement. And unless said voter was a political insider or a Wall Street bankster, the answer would be nothing. She didn't do a damn thing for New Yorkers.

How MSNBC Helps A Conservative Candidate In Maryland Raise Money

It's becoming harder and harder to watch MSNBC election coverage. I find myself flipping the channel whenever Chris Matthews comes on. His brand of corporate, establishment conservatism colors everything he says. His sly, vicious little jihad against Bernie has been turning more and more Bernie supporters off to MSNBC entirely. I honestly have no idea who Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell or Chris Hayes leans towards, if anyone.

I Can't Sleep Nights, Worrying I'm Not Doing Enough For Bernie

Progressive pundit Michael Tomasky has given his permission for Bernie to stay in the race but warned him that "if he wants to remain a major progressive leader in a Clinton presidency, it’s time to ratchet back his attacks on the presumptive nominee." Has Bernie been attacking her? I must've fallen asleep and missed it. "From here on in," write Tomasky, "Sanders ought to lay off the attacks on Hillary Clinton, the Goldman Sachs speeches and all the rest.