
Apostate Prophet Vs. Jay Dyer – Does God Exist? Problem of Evil?

 Former Muslim turned atheist skeptic Apostate Prophet asked me to join him to have a cordial exchange on the issue of God’s existence, Theistic arguments and proofs, TAG, logic and the problem evil and theodicy.  We had a great exchange and kept it civil, while also being heated!  You can find his channel here. […]
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Atheist Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Detroyer on Logic / God – Politics Discord

A recent “debate” on one of the largest discord servers. Atheists are now arguing that informal fallacies are valid arguments, so feel free to now use nothing but ad hominems, since informal fallacies are valid arguments. “What is the justification for knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics in your worldview.”
Atheist Reply: the single mocule dimension isn’t a contradiction.
This hilarious low IQ reply wasn’t a coherent counter example, argument or justification.

Dr Shabir Ally / Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate? Answers in Scripture, History & Logic

Dr. Shabir Ally joins me to discuss the Person of Christ.  What are the Orthodox Christian arguments in these three fields?  What are the Islamic arguments?  Dr. Shabir joins me for a formal debate on this topic moderated by Kyosan from the Politics Discord.  The debate is Saturday at 5PM EST. Dr. Shabir Ally can be found here, and Kyosan and the Calliopean discord can be found here: discord.gg/Calliopeanclub


Hollywood Babylon & Pop Culture – Jay Dyer on Charles Moscowitz

“Veteran award-winning radio host and author Charles Moscowitz is joined by Jay Dyer, host of Jay’s Analysis, in a talk about the history and influence of the modern occult and its intersection with the intelligence apparatus.” We cover figures like Kenneth Anger, Crowley, Tim Leary and others, who had a tremendous impact on the devolution of the arts.

The Post-Human World

What is tr@nshumanism? How do we understand the push for a post-industrial world? In this video I outline the meaning of terms, who invented them, what circles they were part of and how to understand their writings in terms of future projections. We cover Charles Galton Darwin, Bernays, the Huxleys and more. Please be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe.