
Cops Taze 87-Year-Old Great-Grandmother for Using a Knife to Cut Dandelions

(ANTIMEDIA) — Police in Chatsworth, Georgia, tasered an 87-year-old woman after an employee at the local Boys and Girls Club called them to complain that she was carrying a knife and looking to cut vegetation on their property. The caller said Martha al-Bishara did not appear to be a threat. “She’s old so she can’t get around too well,” […]

5 Healthy ‘Weeds’ Worth Saving for Natural Medicine

While some people are sad about summer’s close – no more days spent poolside, shorter days and fewer and fewer fresh produce at roadside farm stands – others are just glad they won’t have to yank weeds out of the garden anymore. But what we should know for next time is that not all weeds are bad; in fact, some are quite healthy and can be beneficial.