Dan Rather

Will Mainers Remember In 2020? Perhaps Justice Kavanaugh Will Remind Then Now And Then

Ted Cruz never hesitated or thought twice about his vote for Brett Kavanaugh. He fund-raised off it. It's who he is, who he's always been and will always be. Yesterday, after the 50-48 vote roll call, Beto send a note to Texas voters saying, clearly: "Today, the Senate voted on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. If I were in the Senate, I would have voted no.

DISGUSTING: Dan Rather says Mueller probe is Trump’s “Hurricane Vladimir” (Video)

Discredited former CBS news anchor Dan Rather, who was busted spreading fake news in the the 2004 controversy referred to as “Memogate” and “Rathergate”, is now very busy trying to conjure up more fake news around “Russiagate.”
Rather went on MSNBC to draw a disgusting analogy between those suffering from Hurricane Harvey and what Rather believes is Trump’s greatest fear, “Hurricane Vladimir.”

A Whiff Of Fascism? Dan Rather: "Someone In There Is Not Thinking Very Well And It All Begins With The President"

Chris Wallace is a Fox guy, so how good could he be, right? Still, hold off comparing him to Chris Hayes and try comparing him to the fascist automatons on Fox & Friends instead. Take a look at the clip directly under this paragraph. The Fox & Friends clowns are just such horrifying jokes posing as "journalists!" And it's more than just "a very selective view of history." I don't think Wallace will be able to teach any of these proudly ignorant, over-paid propagandists anything about what journalism is.

Hawaii's Republican Party Did To Their Own Trump What The National GOP is Afraid To Do To Trumpanzee Himself

The Republican Party-- especially although not exclusively the Trumpanzee Republican Party-- combines a hatred and bigtry wing with a greed and selfishness wing. And the chat between Dan Rather and Rachel Maddow in the video above focused on David Bossie from the former and Robert Mercer from the latter, both equally dangerous to the country and equally contemptible. The kind of people who support Trump and the same kinds of haters and sociopaths that supported the breakup of the U.S. leading up to the Civil War.

Barbara Bush Was Completely Right That The Country Doesn't Want Another Bush In The White House

Let's talk about a service the Trump campaign is doing for America. Thanks to Obama and Pelosi, Bush and Cheney were never held accountable for their 8 years of mayhem. And thanks to Trump-- or, more accurately, thanks to the Trump campaign's jihad against Jeb-- the Bush-Cheney responsibility for 9/11 and then destabilizing the Middle East by attacking Iraq under false pretenses is again being discussed by the American people. I'm sure you've noticed.