
COVID-19 lockdown and the pandemic of caste

The novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 has already touched 212 countries and territories around the world and two international conveyances. According to the latest records on worldometer, India stands at 11th position with 96169 COVID-19 cases and 3029 recorded deaths is moving towards a much more difficult phase. Since 24 March, 2020 India is under a lockdown, however this phase has[Read More...]

Celebrating Dalit Achievements: C. K. Raju

Guest post by C.K. RAJU It was B. R. Ambedkar who first publicised the 22 Mahar names inscribed on the pillar commemorating the battle of Bhima-Koregaon.  Ambedkar, a Mahar himself, had experienced great indignities, and everyone appreciates his quest for a symbol of dalit achievement. Much has been written since on Bhima-Koregaon, but one question … Continue reading Celebrating Dalit Achievements: C. K. Raju →

ज़ुबां पर आंबेडकर, दिल में मनु

लोग अब समझने लगे हैं कि अपने संकीर्ण एजेंडे को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए सत्ताधारी जमातें भले डॉ आंबेडकर की मूर्तियां लगवा दें, मगर तहेदिल से वह मनु की ही अनुयायी हैं. एससी/एसटी एक्ट को कमज़ोर करने के ख़िलाफ़ बुलाए गए भारत बंद का दृश्य. (फोटो: पीटीआई)   2 अप्रैल का ऐतिहासिक भारत बंद लंबे … Continue reading ज़ुबां पर आंबेडकर, दिल में मनु

Against the De-politicization of Mental Health- Harassment is Not a Myth: Simple Rajrah

Guest post by SIMPLE RAJRAH This article is written in response to the article Activism as a blue whale challenge by Manu Joseph that first appeared in Livemint. “Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt” –Dalit Scholar Rohith Vemula, … Continue reading Against the De-politicization of Mental Health- Harassment is Not a Myth: Simple Rajrah

Indian State, Society and ‘Public’ Through the Lens of Panchkula Killings : Sanjay Kumar

Guest Post by Sanjay Kumar Nearly forty people were killed last Friday (25th August) during public disturbances at Panchkula in Haryana after the CBI court verdict in the rape case of Gurmeet Ram-Rahim. Surprisingly, even though these people died in public, till Tuesday, little information was available on how were they killed. The burning, arson … Continue reading Indian State, Society and ‘Public’ Through the Lens of Panchkula Killings : Sanjay Kumar

Committee for the Defense of Bhim Army Formed Amidst Continuing Repression

Even as the state government’s repression on Bhim Army continues, most of its leaders still in jail and some forced to leave Saharanpur, a committee has been formed for the defense of Bhim Army. (For background information, please see the ‘Note on Bhim Army’, appended at the end of this post, which carries links to … Continue reading Committee for the Defense of Bhim Army Formed Amidst Continuing Repression

People’s Movements Demand Revocation of Suspension of Dalit Asst. Jail Superintendent, Varsha Dongre

The  NAPM (National Alliance of People’s Movements) has written the following letter, signed by many movements and orgnizations, to the Governor and the Chief Minister of Chhatisgarh Date: 11th May, 2017 To, Shri Balram Das Tandon, The Hon’ble Governor, Raj Bhawan, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, To, Shri Raman Singh, The Chief Minister, Civil Lines, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Sub: … Continue reading People’s Movements Demand Revocation of Suspension of Dalit Asst.

फर्ज़ी प्रमाण पत्र के सहारे दलित और आदिवासियों के अधिकार पर डाका

सांसद समेत अन्य लोग फर्ज़ी कागज़ातों के ज़रिये दलित और आदिवासियों के अधिकार छीन रहे हैं. (फोटो: कमल किशोर/रॉयटर्स) मध्य प्रदेश के बैतूल से अनुसूचित जनजाति के लिए आरक्षित सीट से दूसरी बार चुनी गईं सांसद ज्योति धुर्वे की सदस्यता फिलवक़्त ख़तरे में पड़ती नज़र आ रही है.

Thinking Labour in Contemporary India – For a Different May Day Agenda

This May Day comes at a very crucial juncture in our history. Crucial, not simply because there is a belligerent Hindu Right government in power but also because it comes in the wake of the most unprecedented belligerence of the upper castes and their all-round violence, especially on the Dalit communities across the land. Last … Continue reading Thinking Labour in Contemporary India – For a Different May Day Agenda