
GRAPHIC: California Cops Kill Suspect in 8 Seconds, Holding Garden Hose Spray Nozzle (UPDATED)

Two California cops blew away a 40 year old mentally-ill suspect only eight seconds after getting out of their car, claiming the man reached for his waistband in the video below.
Police arrived on the scene after receiving calls about a man with a gun in the area.
But Freddy Centeno did not have a gun.
Just a black spray nozzle.

Louisiana Cops Arrest TV Reporter For Questioning Mayor’s Salary and Benefits

“This is what White Castle residents have to deal with.”
Chris Nakamoto is a true professional journalist, giving a deadpanned story lede to his videographer as he was being perp-walked by a burly cop for uncovering small town government corruption.
He’d just uncovered an un-legislated pay raise costing each resident in small town White Castle, Lousiana – each man, woman and child – stuck paying an additional $11 per year in tribute to the elected offical.

NYPD Officers Arrest US Postal Worker On Duty Delivering Packages Who Criticized Them (UPDATED)

The video going viral of a New York City postal worker was arrested while on duty by NYPD after objecting to their driving in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn has just surfaced, as you can see below.
UPDATE: “Our agency is aware of the incident,” says Matt Modafferi of the United States Postal Service Office of the Inspector General, “We have an investigation that’s ongoing, at this point, that’s all that I can comment on.”

Oklahoma City’s “Video Vigilante” Explains why he Believes Convicted Rapist Cop Daniel Holtzclaw is Innocent

Demetria Campbell waited more than a year after she filed an excessive force complaint against Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw to also accuse him of pressing his erect penis against her from behind after he slammed her head into a wall.
And that new allegation was made almost a year after Holtzclaw was arrested and charged with raping several women while on duty, which eventually led to his conviction in December 2015, resulting in a 263-year sentence.

Texas Man Exonerated of False Charges by Home Video Camera Files Lawsuit Against Local Sheriff’s Office

Texas resident Lawrence Faulkenberry spent ten nights in jail on charges that he assaulted a Caldwell County sheriff’s deputy before footage from his home surveillance video camera proved he was the one attacked by deputies.
Now Fauklenberry is suing the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office.
However, if it wasn’t for his video camera, he would probably be sitting in prison today for the January 2015 arrest.

Kansas Trump Rally Supporter Declares Racial Holy War, Says “Go To Auschwitz” to Dutch Journalist

A Kansas Trump rally supporter declared, “RaHoWa” an anti-semetic word coined in 1987 meaning Racial Holy War” to a Dutch journalist, and repeated it before revealing his true intentions to a non-white supremacist as you can see as the video shows in under 18 seconds down below.
The still unidentified Trump supporter told the semetic-looking journalist from northern Europe to “Go To Auschwitz” twice as he departed the rally.

Miami Cop Maldonado-Dick Sentenced In Drug Protection Racket (PODCAST)

A City of Miami cop was sentenced for running a protection racket to help the waterfront city’s cocaine couriers.
Maldonado-Dick was pretty lucky to get the plea deal he got, especially since there’s ample video evidence available to secure a conviction, including undeniable evidence that the cop used his service weapon in commission of the crime as you can see below.
Jose Maldonado-Dick had no idea the buyer was an informant and he was being watched by police too.

California Prosecutors Refile Criminal Charges Against 18-Year-Old After She Files Brutality Lawsuit

One day after Gabbi Lemos filed a lawsuit against the California sheriff’s office that had physically abused her during an arrest in which charges against her were already dismissed, prosecutors responded by refiling one of those charges.
Lawyers for the 18-year-old woman are now accusing prosecutors of retaliatory prosecution as they defend her against the new resisting arrest charge, saying they only did so to derail her lawsuit against the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.