
Texas Security Guard Assaults Man Who Walks Out of Walmart with Paid Merchandise, Refusing to Hand Over Receipt

A man with a shopping cart filled with paid merchandise attempted to walk out of a Texas Walmart refusing to provide his receipt, leading to a uniformed security guard blocking his path out of the store.
“Would you please move out of my path” the man holding the camera told the guard, who was blocking the doorway, preventing him and a female companion from leaving with the merchandise.
“I need to check your receipt first,” the guard said.
“I do not consent to a search,” the man responded.
“It is not a search, it is a policy, sir,” the man said.

Arizona Police Union Spurs Facebook Backlash, Defends Cop Seeking Plea Deal in Murder Case

The Facebook page of an Arizona police union blew up over the weekend with more comments than they have likes on their page for defending the indefensible.
Mesa Police Association wrote a long defense of Mitchell Brailsford who is seeking a plea deal after being charged with second degree murder for killing Daniel Shaver, an innocent pest-control worker who used a pellet gun to shoot birds in Walmart stores.

Arizona Police Union Accuses Daniel Shaver of Felony on FB, Was Shot in Back By Cop

An cop is on trial for murder, but his Arizona police union buddies have no problem using Facebook to slander the unarmed, dead-man that one of the Mesa Police shot in the back and killed, and whom prosecutors say, “didn’t do anything wrong.”
Prosecutors asked a judge seal the body cam video of Shaver being killed this week.

WATCH: Florida Man Holding “Death To America” Sign Beat Senseless

“Because of Obama’s policies” read the other side, inspiring his fellow north Florida man to beat the everlasting hell out of him, and try to steal the sign.
Old fashioned “Sharpie clickbait” drove another Florida man named “Larry” into a sign stealing, protester beating rage.
So, Charles Brownett was attacked for exercising his 1st Amendment free speech rights.
But he plans to return very soon.
And all of the action was caught on a cell phone video that’s going viral.
Because “Larry” clearly needed that sign, more than words can say.

New Mexico Police Pay Victim $3MM Settlement, Detective Raped Teenage Girl on Ride-Along, Was HIV Positive

One Millennial teenager wanted to be a cop, but that dream ended when a New Mexico detective took her for a ride, to give her a taste of police culture.
What happens in a ride-along stays in a ride-along.
In a terrifying case of sexual misconduct, a New Mexico detective took a wrong turn too many in his ride-along with a then 17-year-old girl
The detective was HIV positive too.

LAPD Cop Detains Man Filming on Sidewalk in Front of Police Station

Los Angeles Police Department detained and handcuffed a man for filming in public near LAPD’s Mission police station.
The citizen journalist tells the officers in the video you can see below on several occasions, that he is engaged in constitutionally protected activity.
Then, LAPD cops kept questioning him for recording video.
And spoke nothing of reasonable suspicion that Scott would commit a crime.
Because the police would be the only offenders in this video.

Ohio Police Arrest Man For Making A Facebook Page in Blatant Act of Censorship

An Ohio man made a satirical Facebook page, local police tossed him in jail.
This is what state censorship looks like.
Parma Police arrested Anthony Novak for making a page called “The City of Parma Police Department” and slamming the northeast Ohio officers with “derogatory comments” on March 2nd.
He’s due to appear in Parma’s municipal kangaroo court on Monday.
Satire is protected under the First Amendment.

GRAPHIC: Georgia Man Blows Own Leg Off Shooting Tannerite Target in Old Lawnmower

“I blew my leg off!” yelled the Georgia man after his 20th assault rifle round landed on target, blowing up an old lawnmower.
Absolutely, 100 percent do NOT try this at home.
Exercising your 2nd Amendment Constitutional rights should always take second place to valuing your own life and limb, but this foolhardy rifleman forgot that and is paying the price.
“Get an ambulance!” his two friends exclaimed in the video which is going viral below.