
What Kerry’s ‘Absolute Lines’ in Syria Really Mean

Sputnik | April 27, 2016 US Secretary of State John Kerry wants to draw “absolute” lines across Syria to create the Western “areas of influence” there. Such an approach resembles nothing so much as neo-colonialism, experts say. The idea to create spheres of influence in Syria voiced recently by US Secretary of State John Kerry clearly indicates that Washington continues […]

Evidence Points to the CIA Targeting Assad, Not Daesh in Syria

Sputnik | April 14, 2016 The Syrian ceasefire is hanging in the balance, former Republican congressman Ron Paul and political analyst Daniel McAdams note in their Liberty Report; however, Washington continues to push ahead with its military program aimed at training and arming the so-called Syrian rebels. To complicate matters further, there is enough evidence that the moderates have repeatedly […]

US readies ‘Plan B’ to supply heavy weapons to militants: Report

Press TV – April 13, 2016 The United States and its regional allies have prepared plans to supply more-powerful weapons to militants fighting the Syrian government, amid concerns that a landmark ceasefire is threatening to fall apart. US officials said the so-called Plan B is aimed at providing vetted “moderate” militant units with weapons system […]

US-Turkey-Saudi Arabia Arm Terrorists With Surface-to-Air Missiles in Syria

Sputnik – April 7, 2016 On Tuesday, Islamist rebels shot down a Syrian plane, the second such incident in less than a month, and captured the pilots. Inquiries are being made at the highest level as to how the al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, has come into possession of advanced Western surface-to-air missiles. Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker sat down with Institute […]

UK activist probed over remarks on Daesh, Israel links

Labour activist Bob Campbell Press TV – April 4, 2016 A member of Britain’s Labour Party has reportedly invited an investigation after an Internet post declaring that the Takfiri terrorist group of Daesh is controlled by Israel. Writing on his Facebook page, Labour activist Bob Campbell has suggested that Tel Aviv had the terror group […]

Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS – Russian envoy to UN

RT | April 1, 2016 Moscow has submitted data on Turkey’s illegal arms and military hardware supply to Islamic State in Syria to the UN Security Council. Supplies are supervised by the Turkish intelligence service, Russian UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said as cited by Russian media. “The main supplier of weapons and military equipment to […]

The Brussels Attacks: What is True, What is Fake? Three Daesh Suspects at Brussels Airport

By Michel Chossudovsky – Global Research – March 25, 2016 Two Fake CC surveillance Videos of the bomb attacks,  Ibrahim’s  Laptop Computer discovered in a Rubbish bin; The  alleged Will (Testament) of one of the Daesh suspects; Foreknowledge of the Attacks by the Belgian police and security authorities; An EU terror emergency drill simulating a Metro attack […]

Iraqi Shiite militias say US troops ‘forces of occupation,’ demand withdrawal

RT | March 21, 2016 Iran-backed Shiite militia forces in Iraq have strongly opposed new US troops deployed in the country. The militias warned that if Washington does not withdraw its forces “immediately,” they will deal with them “as forces of occupation.” The US military are “making a new suspicious attempt to restore their presence […]