
US airstrikes in Libya doubled in less than 30 days

Press TV – October 18, 2016 The US military has dramatically increased the number of its airstrikes in Libya in less than a month, new data shows, further cementing President Barack Obama’s record of taking more military action than any other American president. American fighter jets and drones stationed aboard the amphibious assault vessel USS […]

US seeks to partition Syria to serve Israel: Nasrallah

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, addresses a ceremony on October 11, 2016 on the occasion of Tasu’a. Press TV – October 11, 2016 Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, has warned of plots by the US, Saudi Arabia and their regional allies […]

US-led air raid kills 20 Iraqi pro-government fighters

Press TV – October 5, 2016 At least 20 Iraqi pro-government fighters have been killed when the US-led coalition targeted their position near the militant-held northern city of Mosul, media reports say. A local source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the US-led military aircraft struck a building in the Kharaeb village of the al-Qayyarah […]

Turkey might continue Syria incursion for years

Press TV – September 30, 2016 A senior Turkish official says Ankara’s military incursion into Syria could last for years if necessary. Turkish troops entered the Syrian territory in a sudden incursion which resulted in the occupation of Jarablus after Daesh left the city without resistance earlier this month. Turkey has indicated that its eyes […]

Syria FM censures exploiting humanitarian sufferings of Syrians

Press TV – September 24, 2016 Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem has censured certain governments in the Middle East and the West for taking advantage of the humanitarian sufferings of Syrians to reach their political objectives. In an address to the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Saturday, Muallem […]

US airstrikes on Syrian airbase intentional, says aide to Assad

Buthaina Shaaban, a senior adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Press TV – September 18, 2016 A senior adviser to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad has accused US-led coalition forces of carrying out “intentional” airstrikes against a Syrian military airbase in Dayr al-Zawr province, where 90 soldiers were killed. Buthaina Shaaban said in an interview with […]

Russian Foreign Ministry: White House ‘Defending the Islamic State’ Terrorists

© Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin Sputnik – 17.09.2016 Russia says that the situation in Syria is worsening finding that the rebels have intensified their attacks since the ceasefire came into force on September 12 and laying the blame at the feet of Washington for failing to crackdown on jihadists. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a scathing […]

US Wants Respite, Not Ceasefire in Syria

By Finian Cunningham | Sputnik | September 11, 2016 Tough negotiations between America and Russia’s top diplomats have managed to produce a tentative ceasefire plan for Syria. But Washington doesn’t really want a ceasefire. More likely, a respite for its regime-change proxies. After more than 13 hours of intense discussions in Geneva this weekend, on top of months of back-and-forth talks, […]

Claims of Iranian arms for Daesh in Sinai ‘ridiculous’

Press TV – August 11, 2016 Iran has rejected as “ludicrous and baseless” recent reports by Israeli media that Iranian weapons have ended up in the hands of Takfiri Daesh terrorists operating in Egypt’s restive Sinai Peninsula. An informed source in the Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed the claims as “insignificant” on Wednesday, saying “such awkward […]