
Putin and Netanyahu: The World’s Most Powerful President Meets the World’s Most Powerful Liar

By Adam Garrie | Global Research | August 28, 2017 There is no doubt that Vladimir Putin is the world’s most powerful President. By comparison, while China’s Xi Jinping is highly powerful and intelligent, China’s leadership retains a collective element while in Russia, Vladimir Putin maintains an unwritten but obvious veto power over all major […]

US accountable for fatal raid on Hashd al-Sha’abi forces: Senior commander

Press TV – August 9, 2017 A commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) has held the US-led coalition accountable for a recent deadly attack on its forces near the Syrian border, saying Daesh terrorists could not have been behind the assault as they are not in possession of smart weapons. On August 7, the […]

Turkey, US accuse each other of terror sponsorship in Syria

Press TV – August 1, 2017 Turkey and the United States have been accusing each other of supporting various terrorist groups in Syria. Brett H. McGurk, the US special envoy to the international coalition against the Daesh terrorist group, has suggested that Turkey facilitates al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria’s Idlib Province. He said in a speech […]

US systematically targeting residential areas: Syria to UN

Press TV – July 31, 2017 Damascus has called on the UN to end the Washington’s crimes against Syrian civilians, while stressing that the US is systematically targeting residential areas. On Sunday, the Syrian foreign ministry sent two letters to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the chairman of the UN Security Council, calling for […]

US-Led Coalition Shoots Down Syrian Army Aircraft – Reports

Sputnik – 18.06.2017 The US-led anti-terrorist coalition has reportedly shot down a Syrian government forces’ aircraft. Syrian Arab Army announced that the US-led anti-terrorist coalition had brought down its aircraft in southern Raqqa countryside, Syrian media reported citing a statement by the Syrian Defence Ministry. According to the report, the Syrian jet fighter was carrying […]

People flee Takfiri ‘invasion’ in southern Philippines

Press TV – May 26, 2017 Hundreds of people have fled the Philippines’ southern city of Marawi as military forces fight to drive Takfiri militants out of the city. Foreign militants from Indonesia and Malaysia are recruited by a militant group engaged in battles with the Philippine army in Maraqi, on Mindanao Island, Manila’s Solicitor-General […]