
Taliban Praises Recent Talks With Washington as ‘Very Helpful’

Sputnik – August 13, 2018 The Arch enemies entered into talks following the successful implementation of a three-day ceasefire in June for the Muslim holiday of ‘Eid al-Fitr.’ A Senior Taliban official has described peace talks held last month with the US as “very helpful” in envisaging a path out of Afghanistan’s seventeen year old war. The leader, […]

Syrian Army Uncovers Massive Haul of Western-Made Weapons for Rebels

© Sputnik / Michael Alaeddin Sputnik | July 4, 2018 The Syrian Army has gotten its hands on another huge cache of weapons and ammunition, including US-made TOW anti-tank missile systems, chemical warfare, minesweeping and communications equipment and even armored vehicles. Some of the supplies appear to be brand new, as if militants did not […]

US-led warplanes strike northeastern Syria, kill four civilians

Press TV – June 13, 2018 Four civilians have been killed when the US-led coalition purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group conducted an airstrike against Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah. Local sources, requesting anonymity, told Syria’s official news agency SANA that the aerial attack targeted residential buildings in al-Hardan village, which is located in […]

Chomsky Among “Progressives” Calling for US Military Involvement in Syria

By Whitney Webb | Mint Press News | April 26, 2018 On Monday, the New York Review of Books published an open letter and petition aimed at securing Western support for putting pressure on Turkey to end its occupation of Afrin, opposing further Turkish incursions into Syria, and backing autonomy for Rojava — the region […]

Illegal foreign presence in Syria serves to revive terrorism front: Iranian official

Press TV – April 25, 2018 Iran’s top security official says the illegitimate military presence of certain countries in Syria is meant to put the Takfiri terrorists, who have suffered defeat in the region, back on their feet. Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani made the remarks on Tuesday during a meeting […]

Daesh Resumes Training Child Soldiers in Deir ez-Zor Safe Zone – Reports

Sputnik – 23.03.2018 According to Arab media, the Daesh terrorist group is using the de-escalation zones controlled by the US-led international coalition to reorganize and launch fresh strikes on the Syrian government army in a bid to return its former bases in al-Mayadeen and abu-Kamal. The Arabic-language al-Manar news outlet, citing sources affiliated with the […]

UK, US De Facto Confirmed Support of Syria Terrorists – Russian Diplomat

Sputnik – 05.03.2018 The United Kingdom and the United States de facto confirmed their support of terrorists in Syria by rejecting Russian amendments for the UN Human Rights Council resolution on the situation in Eastern Ghouta, Russian permanent representative to the UN Office in Geneva Gennady Gatilov told Sputnik. “The amendments which we introduced should […]

US Choppers Reportedly Transport Daesh Terrorists to Syrian Training Camp

Sputnik – February 26, 2018 A new report by Syrian media about the evacuation of Daesh militants adds to the growing evidence that the US is using its aviation to assist terrorists. According to the Syrian state-run news agency SANA, the US has evacuated Daesh leaders from the Al-Shaddadah area in the northeastern al-Hasakah Governorate using its helicopters. […]

Chlorine attack reported in Syria after Russian warning

Press TV – February 26, 2018 A suspected new chemical attack has reportedly hit the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta just after Russia warned that militants were planning a gas attack there to pin it on the Syrian government. Militant sources were quoted as saying that several people suffered symptoms consistent with exposure to chlorine […]