
Pipeline or a Pipedream: Israel, Turkey Hydrocarbon Conflict is Brewing in the Mediterranean

Massive natural gas discoveries off the eastern coast of Israel and Palestine is slated to make Tel Aviv a regional energy hub. Whether Israel will be able to translate positive indicators of the largely untapped gas reserves into actual economic and strategic wealth is yet to be seen.
What is certain, however, is that the Middle East is already in the throes of a major geostrategic war, which has the potential of becoming an actual military confrontation.
Unsurprisingly, Israel is at the heart of this growing conflict.

Pt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the Mediterranean Sea

We’ve long talked here about the remake the region (MENA) the one that’s been occurring since 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, but, one can go even further back to the invasion of Afghanistan. Generally when this topic is written about here the ‘03 date is used as the start date of the ‘birth pangs of the new middle east” The Mediterranean Sea, as mentioned, is currently the sea at the center of much conflict and competition. No different from it's past.

MoA: Targeting Turkey for the Empire- Showing the barflies "the way" to........

 hell? .... destabilizing Turkey for the remake? Intentional or not the outcome is the same.One of the usual suspects, long time suspect in my opinion, who has been steadily massaging perceptions with regard to Turkey was recently at at again. Turkey is and has been targeted in the remake the region agenda. That’s been long obvious to some of us. Obfuscated by too many others, including, yet again, Moon of Alabama. A brief aside- many years ago when this blog started others warned me about Moon of Alabama.

Turkey calls US ending of Cyprus arms embargo ‘dangerous escalation’

Press TV – December 2019 Turkey has warned that the United States’ decision to end a decades-old arms embargo on Cyprus would be a “dangerous escalation.” In a statement issued late Tuesday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said the US decision “will have no outcome other than hampering efforts toward a settlement on the island and […]

Erdogan enters Libya war, risking conflict with Greece, France, Egypt & Israel (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the rising tensions in the Mediterranean as Turkey has now overtly entered the Libyan conflict, supporting the GNA-Tripoli government.
Erdogan is laying claim to a large swath of the Mediterranean sea, from Turkey’s south to Libya’s western port, covering Greek and Cypriot maritime territory, and irking France, Israel and Egypt in the process.