
Italy’s growing opposition to anti-Russian sanctions

If the European Union was simply a way of easing trade barriers between 27/28 (Brexit depending) countries in a compact continent, it would have a great deal of merit. But because the tin-pot imperialists of Brussels think they can transform the EU into an empire that speaks with one voice, tensions are inevitable. Renewed sanctions against Russia have exposed these tensions and weakened various EU economies whilst having little impact on Russia.

A Ceasefire In Syria? - Not if the US & co Have Their Way!

After all these years of bloggin’ on Syria, it seems to me we are witnessing the best opportunity ever for a Syrian ceasefire. And, yet, there is this strange disconnect with the media coverage regarding Syria?  We are supposed to believe, having  been told for years now, that the cessation of fighting in Syria was always the goal. No military solution, just a political solution. The recent deal worked out between Russia, Turkey and Iran looks, to me, to be the closest the world has come to making/witnessing this cessation of hostilities actually taking place in Syria.

Henry Kissinger’s War Crimes Are Central to the Divide Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

The sparring during Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders over whether Henry Kissinger is an elder statesman or a pariah has laid bare a major foreign policy divide within the Democratic Party.
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Ukraine: Ripping Western Aid to Sponsor Terrorism

This past weekend the CyberBerkut team revealed another story, shocking in its extraordinary cynism even for today’s Ukraine. It turned out that the top Ukrainian Interior Ministry officials are abusing Western military assistance, designated to reequip and strengthen the Ukrainian National Guard (internal police forces). They organized an international traders’ chain to secretly reexport these arms to the Middle East where they would most likely appear in the hands of Saudi-linked radical groups operating in Syria and other hot spots.

Austrian Institute Clarifies True Costs of the EU’s Anti-Russian Sanctions

Sputnik – 03.07.2015 The Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) published a monograph clarifying the projected short and long-term costs of anti-Russian sanctions to the EU 28 plus Switzerland. A summary of the report published Friday has confirmed that Europe as a whole expects €92.34 billion in long-term losses, along with over 2.2 million lost […]

United States is not “entitled to be displeased” with Cyprus – FM

By Ioannis Kasoulides • FAMAGUSTA GAZETTE • March 4, 2015 CYPRUS – FOREIGN MINISTER Ioannis Kasoulides has hit back at the US government, after officials in Washington expressed displeasure at a recent trip to Moscow by President Nicos Anastasiades. “The [US] discontent focused on the fact that they believe that Putin’s government should be isolated […]

New G20 Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Hit Depositors AND Pensioners

All this fancy footwork is to prevent a run on the TBTF banks, in order to keep their derivatives casino going with our money. Warren Buffett called derivatives “weapons of financial mass destruction,” and many commentators warn that they are a time bomb waiting to explode. When that happens, our deposits, our pensions, and our public investment funds will all be subject to confiscation in a “bail in.” Perhaps it is time to pull our money out of Wall Street and set up our own banks – banks that will serve the people because they are owned by the people.

Banksters: Global Haircuts= Global Plunder. Legalizing the theft of your savings.

It's coming. I told you all about it back in 2013.Remember Cyprus? Remember no more bailouts?Just bail ins or "haircuts" Fresh labels don't change the agenda.And the Agenda is stealing your money, my money, everybody's money.Or, if you prefer, the scum at the top will suck up all the money from below. It will all be made nice and legal because the bankster scum is busily making new laws to loot, rob, pillage and plunder your savings.The stench of bankster thievery was entrenched in the 2013 Canadian budget. Readers were informed at that time, this was not limited to Canada.