
Towards a more realistic US strategic posture based on cooperation with the other Great Powers

Rather than speculate on what Trump’s next move with Russia will be, at this point it would be healthier to make some constructive suggestions for how the world might look when the military and geo-political super-powers cooperate with clearly defined spheres of influence.
The key elements of such a proposal rests on the fact that because of the diplomatic incompetence of the Obama administration and the steadfast, intelligent approach of Putin, Lavrov, Churkin and Zakharova; Russia is now the global leader when it comes to mediation in areas of conflict.

Why is the West selling out Cyprus?

The latest round of Cypriot reunification talks have just kicked off, yet most of the locals are far from enthusiastic about it. There’s a lot of worry among average folks that their country is being sold out to Turkey, with people pointing to the generous autonomy being proposed for the internationally unrecognised so-called “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” (unsurprisingly only recognised by Ankara) as proof of this.

Greek Minister Responsible for Derailing Cyprus Talks: Obvious Provocation!

I’ve been trying to keep tabs on the Cyprus talks. It’s not easy, time constraints etc., It seems to me that Cyprus is being used to provoke Turkey. The media here is pushing the usual “bad Turkey” meme.  That’s not exactly the case. I’ll shed some light on that fact!With one qualifier- I worry for the people, on that beautiful island, what lengths the UK and Greece will go to to further provoke Turkey. Frightening.For more background read the relinked post from earlier in the week. That tiny island has an oversized importance in the region

Turkish President Erdogan issues threat to Cyprus on the eve of peace talks

In remarks which pre-empted the announcement of the Geneva talks aiming to create a lasting peace settlement in Turkish occupied Cyprus, I wrote about the injustice of Turkish occupation of Cyprus, an EU state which Brussels has thrown to the dogs when it comes to preserving her ‘territorial integrity’, let alone her economic well-being.

Cyprus peace talks underway to reunify the island

Direct talks take place today in Geneva between Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akıncı in what have been called “the best and last chance” to achieve a settlement of the decades long conflict which has divided the island nation.
The direct talks between Anastasiades and Akıncı are preparatory for a formal conference commencing in Geneva on 12th January 2017, which will bring not only these two leaders together but also the so-called “guarantor powers” – Greece, Turkey and Britain.

Turkish occupation of Cyprus must end

It would be inconceivable to imagine that in 2017 a European state, an EU member state no less, could possibly be illegally occupied by a foreign power.
Far from being inconceivable, it is reality for Cyprus, whose north-eastern territory remains occupied by illegal Turkish forces.
With President Erdogan continuing to bite off more than he can chew, Russia ought to use northern Cyprus as a bargaining tool in any offers of assistance that Russia may make to Erdogan to preserve his rule.