cyber security

Is the Geopolitical Chessboard Now Digital?

Geopolitics is based on the nature of politics and relations defined by the real spaces in which we live. Over time thanks to technology these spaces have changed and have become much closer. The seas that used to make a ground invasion impossible have become much smaller on a planet where a nuclear strike could hit any location in the world in a matter of hours or some would speculate minutes. Technology has also opened up new spaces onto which a geopolitical logic can be applied.

Dark Overlord Hackers Threaten to ‘Burn Down the Deep State’ with New 9/11 Document Dump

WHAT AN INCREDIBLE COINCIDENCE: WTC owner Larry Silverstein took out two brand new insurance policies against ‘two terrorist attacks’ on New York’s World Trade Center complex just before the attacks of 9/11, and claimed to have famously given the order to “pull” WTC Building 7, which then collapsed into its own footprint in 6.5 seconds.

NATO Coordinates Information War on Russia

Strategic Culture Foundation | 05.10.2018 The US, Britain and other NATO allies upped the ante this week with a coordinated campaign of information war to criminalize Russia. Moscow dismissed the wide-ranging claims as “spy mania”. But the implications amount to a grave assault recklessly escalating international tensions with Russia. The accusations that the Kremlin is […]

Major Governments Are Engaged in Cyber Warfare That Has Potential to Kill Millions Without Firing A Shot

Infrastructure, such as control systems for power plants, water-purification systems, and even control over private automobiles in motion now are easily hacked by highly-advanced cyber technologies in the hands of major governments and just waiting for the signal to 'push the button'. [You cannot afford to be uniformed on this topic.] [...]

Cyber Security: Going Beyond Data Protection

    Threats to databases In an age of exploding data, information and knowledge, both human and machine, cyber security is as much a necessity for personal privacy as it is for internal and external national security, or for day-to-day economic activities and operation of social and economic infrastructure systems. Cyber security also constitutes the defensive part of modern warfare[Read More...]

John McAfee on Hacking Smartphones and Why BITCOIN is Here to Stay

The world of personal digital devices is moving at a rapid rate and few cyber pundits are as well positioned to comment on all of these developments – as cyber security expert John McAfee. 
While attending an international tech conference in Romania, McAfee discusses a number of important personal privacy issues,  including how hackers can access your smartphone and why, and the safety of crypto-currencies in today’s world of data-mining, along with trojan horses, the strategy behind malware and remote cyber attacks.

Cyber Crime Course Teaches You How to Steal Other People’s Credit Card Data

(ANTIMEDIA) — “The basis of the WWH-CLUB course is the following: item carding — the purchase of goods in online stores at the expense of various payment methods used by the residents of the USA/EUROPE/ASIA/ with its subsequent sale and profit. You will learn to have a free holiday at the resorts of Europe, America and Asia.”

India’s Cyber Vulnerability And PSUs: Government Must Retain Control Of Critical Sectors

  Ransomware worm WannaCry struck at and crippled UK’s National Health Scheme, causing a national emergency of sorts. The operations systems of British Airways, Lufthansa and Air France were targets of cyber attack on passenger handling, causing economic loss but fortunately no accident. All this is cause for concern in India, because of India’s huge vulnerability to cyber attack. Now[Read More...]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 75 My 2017 Predictions with Chuck Ochelli

On today’s episode I lay out my predictions for 2017. In the first hour I look at geopolitics and the places I think will be important in 2017. I begin by focusing on a possible resolution in Syria and how this may play out for the future. I also talk about a few other hot-spots in the middle east to pay attention to: Israel and Yemen. I discuss why these are both important for the future of the region and on a global scale. I also explore Asia, focusing on China and North Korea.

Look who’s in charge of UK government cyber security

by Stuart Littlewood
A chilling remark from a House of Lords debate just caught my eye.
Column GC355 in Hansard, the verbatim report of proceedings of the UK parliament, dated 4 November 2015, said:

Lord Mendelsohn: We welcome the appointment of the former British ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, who will have a key role in cyber security inside the Cabinet Office – a very useful and important position.