
À quoi ressemble vraiment un atome ?

00:00 - à quoi ressemble un atome ? 02:05 - immense, vide et dense 03:45 - L'étrange mouvement des électrons 04:40 - Le modèle de Bohr 05:00 - Des nuages électroniques ? 06:40 - Orbitales atomiques 09:55 - Quantification et atome plus gros 12:05 - Le langage de la matière 13:16 - Les véritables images des atomes 17:30 - Skillshare 18:00 - Quark quark ?


À quoi ressemble vraiment un atome ?

00:00 - à quoi ressemble un atome ? 02:05 - immense, vide et dense 03:45 - L'étrange mouvement des électrons 04:40 - Le modèle de Bohr 05:00 - Des nuages électroniques ? 06:40 - Orbitales atomiques 09:55 - Quantification et atome plus gros 12:05 - Le langage de la matière 13:16 - Les véritables images des atomes 17:30 - Skillshare 18:00 - Quark quark ?


In the Crevasses Between Submission and Revolution (Part II)

Summary of Part I In Part I, I argued that the relationship between political subordination and revolution is ill-conceived if framed in a dualistic way. We are either totally submissive or at the other extreme there is revolution. However, following the work of James C. Scott’s great book Domination and the Arts of Resistance I claimed that […]

Wall Street and the Revolution (Half) Jay Dyer

This is an introduction video for the full lecture on Dr. Anrtony Sutton’s famous economic history text of his trilogy. His famous trilogy highlights the history of monopoly capitalism and the funding for revolution and revolutionary philosophy. The full lecture is available at JaysAnalysis or on my R0kfin. The new book deserves a proper tour, […]
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Dr. James Lindsay & Jay Dyer: Gnostic Roots of Modernity: C0urtenay Turner Podcast (Half)

This is half of a full episode linked below: In this episode, Courtenay invites power duo Jay Dyer and Dr. James Lindsay to discuss the ever-advancing war on humanity. This expansive conversation illuminates the road to transhumanism which is designed to usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Strongly rooted in Marxist ideology and gnosticism, the […]