
Institutional Capture Explained: The State Dept, CIA & Orthodox, Roman Catholic & Protestant Churches – Jay Dyer Pt. 1

By: Jay Dyer An Introduction to the historical and geopolitical factors of state and private interference in ecclesial and religious affairs The notion of state interference in the life of the Church is well known to students of Church history: Arian Emperors, Imperial support for iconoclasm, the Frankish and Germanic control of the papacy, as […]

Mass Produced HUmAnOIDS – Quite Frankly & Jay Dyer

Frank invited me on to discuss the overlap between our recent coverage of Brave New World, Tavistock and the 1976 film Network, which predicts mass produced “humanoids.” Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix HERE Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 […]
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The Real Story of the Intelligence Agencies: OSS, CIA, MI6, & KGB – Jay Dyer

Today we will do another breakdown of key history most are unaware of. The true story of the intelligence agencies is being the servants of of the robber barons. This removes the glitz and glamour of espionage which might be an honorable profession if it were in service to the nation, as opposed to service […]

Coronation: The Ancient Rites of Inversion & The Metaphysics of Geopolitical Chaos – Jay Dyer

This is a clip from a recent livestream covering the mainline history of British Intelligence’s role in serving the designs of fabian socialism from the inner party elite. The full talk is available at my site or my R0kfin. The Coronation ceremony is what everyone is talking about, which is odd since this ancient Christian […]

War Propaganda, Tavistock & Energy Control – 21 Wire Panel

Patrick Henningsen hosts a panel of academics and authors to cover modern war propaganda and psyops – making public opinion and consensus reality on war. Be sure and listen to the end with Freddie Ponton give his analysis of 5th generational warfare and energy control as the key issue in regard to Ukraine. Audio Discussion […]
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The Kerala Story, Hindutva, and Malayali Women

The movie called The Kerala Story is hate-speech against a whole people, but our courts are great upholders of free speech. Of course, unless people with the surname ‘Modi’ are said to have been defamed. As an observer of how the ‘love jihad’ agenda has unfolded in Kerala since more than over a decade now, … Continue reading The Kerala Story, Hindutva, and Malayali Women →

Braveheart, Apocalypto, Conspiracy Theory & Edge of Darkness: Mel Gibson Films – Jay & Jamie

We are finally coming to Mel Gibson films! After many requests we’ve chosen 4 that are perfect for our channel and where civilization is headed in the West. These 4 films are a perfect 4 point analysis of corporate power, government power, ideological subversion & the solution in true freedom! Enjoy! Live Friday night at […]