
THEY Are Throwing IT in Our FACE! – New Jay Dyer Mini-Doc

Programming and entrainment through mass public ceremonies is not new, but could have even achieved in such a degraded form in our day through decades of planning, as well as the planned counter-culture revolution of the 1960s. These decades prepared us for a new AEON, now being ushered in through greater and greater levels of degradation. Mass public ritual ceremonies are one of the chief ways we are initiated into this spiritual state: From the Beatles to Ariana Grande, we are being indoctrinated.

Operation Mind Control – The CIA’s MK ULTRA Project Analysis – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we cover the first half of Walter Bowart’s classic book, Operation Mind Control. We will discuss cryptocracy, the usage of hallucinogens and other chemical means of subversion, the hypnotic courier, keywords, Candy Jones, Cold War dialectics, and how this morphs into the technocratic model of transhumanism. The full talk is for JaysAnalysis subscribers, which can be obtained at the purchase membership link. 


Shadow of the Tomb Raider Analysis – Theology Chat & Esoteric Elements – Jay Dyer

Watch Jay Dyer plays Tomb Raider and Yucks it UP! from jaydyer007 on
Many people have requested analyses of games over the years, but for a long time I didn’t see the proper venue for doing that, as videos take a long time to produce.  Now that streaming is popular, the process is much easier.  Since we are in a time of censorship, I also want to branch out to have more options to live stream and Twitch works very well.