Crimes against humanity

Palestinians in Israel now face far-right mob violence backed by the state

With Jerusalem ablaze and Gaza on the brink of another major Israeli onslaught, it has been easy to overlook the rapidly escalating ethnic violence inside Israel, where one in five of the population is Palestinian. These 1.8 million Palestinians – Israeli citizens in little more than name – have spent the past week venting their […]

If I Fall in the Struggle, Take My Place

Tiger Tateishi (Japan), Samurai, the Watcher (Koya no Yojinbo), 1965. Ugliness defines the mood of state violence from Cali (Colombia) to Durban (South Africa), each context different and the depth of the violence particular to the location. Images of security forces cracking down on people trying to express their political rights have become commonplace. It […]
The post If I Fall in the Struggle, Take My Place first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Legal Case Filed Against 5G for Breaches in Human Rights and National Health Service Acts, Public Sector Equality Duty, etc. (UK)

Legal Case Filed Against 5G for Breaches in Human Rights and National Health Service Acts, Public Sector Equality Duty, etc. (UK) by B.N. Frank, Activist Post May 6, 2021   Opposition to 5G is worldwide due to economic, environmental, health, and safety risks.  Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G

Jerusalem Protests: The Mob “breaking faces” Learned from Israel’s Establishment

Inside the Israeli parliament and out on the streets of Jerusalem, the forces of unapologetic Jewish supremacism are stirring, as a growing section of Israel’s youth tire of the two-faced Jewish nationalism that has held sway in Israel for decades. Last week, Bezalel Smotrich, leader of the far-right Religious Zionism faction, a vital partner if […]

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 2 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, United States, Namibia

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 2 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, United States, Namibia   Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part 2 by Oval Media and Corona Ausschuss April 30, 2021  Original video available at Corona Ausschuss YouTube channel. [As a service to protect truth

Canadian Pastor Who Refused to Allow “Gestapo” to Enter His Church Now Faces Arrest Warrant

Polish/Canadian Pastor Who Refused to Allow “Gestapo” to Enter His Church Now Faces Arrest Warrant   Polish Pastor Now Facing Arrest Warrant, The Covid-19(84) Gestapo Is Killing The Church!!!  by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth April 30, 2021   Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been issued a warrant for his arrest because he dared to stop

Cult of Covid v. GraceLife Church

Cult of Covid v. GraceLife Church by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms April 30, 2021   Pastor Coates and GraceLife Church, represented by the Justice Centre have been charged with violating the Public Health Act for having held normal church services, which were commenced after many months of lockdown restrictions. Pastor Coates spent one month

W’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost, yet the Media Cocks Aren’t Crowing

Censorship comes in many forms. One of [them] is a colossal moral indifference to official crimes at the highest levels of our government. — Ralph Nader, April 17, 2021, Ralph Nader Radio Hour Disclaimer: This is not a traditional mainstream or even left-stream book review. However, Steven C. Markoff’s book does play as the impetus and […]

Citizen Fury As One Billion GMO Mosquitos to Be Released In Florida

Citizen Fury As One Billion GMO Mosquitos to Be Released In Florida   sourced from Technocracy News & Trends Technocrat genetic scientists think it’s a wonderful idea to wipe out a species of mosquito, but residents of Florida do not. Everyone hates mosquitoes for obvious reasons, but releasing GMO mosquitos into the environment is the

Attorney Michael Swinwood With Reiner Fuellmich: “The Consciousness of Humanity Is Really What’s at Play Here”

Attorney Michael Swinwood With Reiner Fuellmich: “The Consciousness of Humanity Is Really What’s at Play Here”   Michael Swinwood is a Canadian lawyer. In this video he shares conversation with the Corona Investigative Committee (Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer) while he is visiting Peru. Dominic Desjarlais, also from Canada, briefly rejoins the conversation. He