Crimes against humanity

US Military Defends Strikes on “Armed” Women and Children

A US military spokesperson has defended a series of strikes on civilians in Syria, which killed 80 people including women and children, claiming they were in self-defense and that no disciplinary measures were necessary. The US military found itself at the center of controversy after the New York Times reported that it had covered up […]

US undercuts the rules-based order

The US has been targeting China by expressing a concern that China does not or will not act according to a ‘rules-based’ order. This column examines how well the US follows the rules, especially international laws, it played a key role in developing. For example, two key articles in the United Nations Charter stress the […]
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Iron Dome: Don’t be deceived, US aid to Israel is not about saving lives

Battles in the US Congress that erupted again this week, holding up an extra $1bn in military funding for Israel, underscored just how divorced from reality the conversation about US financial aid to Israel has become, even among many critics. For 48 hours last month, a small group of progressive Democrats in the US House of Representatives succeeded […]

Israel’s Airstrikes in Syria are Not Newsworthy for Western Media

FILE PHOTO: Damaged buildings are shown after what Syrian authorities said was an Israeli air strike in the western suburbs of Damascus © SANA/Handout via REUTERS Israel again illegally bombed Syria last week, violating Lebanese airspace to do so and putting at risk the lives of untold numbers of civilians. And following this, crickets in the […]

The Murder of the “Menacing” Water Technician: On the Shadow Wars in the West Bank  

There is an ongoing, but hidden, Israeli war on the Palestinians which is rarely highlighted or even known. It is a water war, which has been in the making for decades. On July 26 and 27, two separate but intrinsically linked events took place in the Ein al-Hilweh area in the occupied Jordan Valley, and […]

We Are Many:  the Oppressors are not

I remember chatting with a man from Iraq in 2016.  He was driving a taxi in Germany.  I wrote about him in one of my essays:1 “Last month, I was chatting with an Iraqi taxi driver in Berlin. My 12 year old son and I took a cab from the Museum for Contemporary Art to our […]
The post We Are Many:  the Oppressors are not first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Israel: Racist, violent policing is at the heart of apartheid

Police made sweeping arrests of Israel’s large minority of Palestinian citizens after protests rocked the country in May during Israel’s 11-day attack on Gaza. Officers were documented beating demonstrators, and in some cases torturing them while in detention. Police also failed to protect the Palestinian minority from planned, vigilante-style attacks by far-right Jewish extremists. This was […]

New Israeli Government, Same Israeli Apartheid

After 12 years, Israel finally inaugurated a new prime minister. While being hailed by many as the opportunity for a fresh start, Naftali Bennett is at best a continuer of Netanyahu’s policies and at worst an ideologue whose positions are to the right of Netanyahu’s. In 2013, as Middle East peace talks were set to […]
The post New Israeli Government, Same Israeli Apartheid first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying

Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying by Dr. Vernon Coleman June 10, 2021    Over the years the medical establishment has acquired a well-deserved reputation for ignoring good discoveries (which would make a dramatic difference to human health) and continuing with useless practices (which do more harm than good) long after
The post Dr. Vernon Coleman: Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying appeared first on Truth Comes to Light.

O Canada, You’ve Got Medical Nazis; Their Stench Is Rising Into the Sky

O Canada, You’ve Got Medical Nazis; Their Stench Is Rising Into the Sky Scum by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News June 10, 2021   They’re called the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). As their home page states, they “regulate the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members