Crimes against humanity

The Jewish State’s Inhumanity to Palestinians

According to a senior Israeli expert, Professor Hila Knobler at Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot — stress, glucose and blood pressure levels rose significantly amongst Israelis during the 50-day Operation Protective Edge. This obviously concerned and very humane professor, however, failed to diagnose the ills that might have befallen the Palestinian people in Gaza during that same period of Israeli genocidal barbarity.

Fearing Political Islam

Ask any Arab ruler, and they will tell you of the great sacrifices their countries have made for Palestine and the Palestinians. However, both history and present reality are testaments, not only to Arab failure to live up to the role expected of them and stand in solidarity with their own oppressed brethren, but also to the official Arab betrayal of the Palestinian cause. The current war on Gaza, and the dubious role played by Egypt in the ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel are cases in point.

Free Palestine? First We Must Free Ourselves from the Enemy Within

Was anyone surprised to hear that the International Criminal Court is under pressure not to investigate Israel’s war crimes in Gaza?
The British government wouldn’t even vote for the UN Human Rights Council’s proposal to launch an inquiry and, along with France, abstained. The US, as expected, voted against. Even Ireland, Germany and Italy abstained in an extraordinary show of collective political cowardice. The enemy within had revealed itself.

Free Palestine? First we must free ourselves from the Enemy Within 

Image: Fatou Bensouda, the international criminal court prosecutor. Photograph: Michael Kooren/AFP/Getty Images 

 First we must free ourselves from the clutches of the Enemy Within. Only then will Israel be brought to account and the Palestinian know peace and prosperity.

Western leaders ‘nobble’ the International Criminal Court

If the East Bay Was Gaza How Would You Feel?

The Palestinian enclave known as Gaza is approximately 25 miles long by 5 miles wide. It is about the same area as the East Bay from Oakland in the north to Fremont in the south. To the west is open water; to the east are the hills (heavily-reinforced razor wire fence for Gaza).
What would life be like if the East Bay of San Francisco was Gaza?