Crimes against humanity

Jewish-Israeli Passengers Hijack Airline’s Integrity

It is not only damaging to an airline’s reputation to be taken hostage by passengers calling the shots as to who they deem suitable to fly with them, but places all passengers rights and safety,  anywhere, on any plane, at risk to racial profiling and discriminatory demands at the whim of bigots such as the arrogant Jewish- Israeli passengers on Aegean Airlines

Vacy Vlazna

The Barbarity of Christianity and the West

White foam, kitschy lights and embarrassing computer generated melodies. Year after year, the same crap. Not tired yet?
Christian families gather; they perform rituals, exchange gifts. All this is taking place under the crucifixion, which has been elevated to the reason, justification and excuse for the most intense, long-lasting and on-going slaughter of human beings in the history of mankind.
Merry Corporate Christmas (Photo: Andre Vltchek)

Huge: Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity

If you’ve been waiting to finally see Monsanto – one of the most hated companies in the world – to pay for its ecocide, knowing harm of human life, and devastation of our pollinators, then you won’t have to wait much longer. Several activist groups joined by food and farming experts are suing Monsanto for their crimes against humanity. [1]

Forget ISIS: Humanity is at Stake

I still remember that smug look on his face, followed by the matter-of-fact remarks that had western journalists laugh out loud.
“I’m now going to show you a picture of the luckiest man in Iraq,” General Norman Schwarzkopf, known as ‘Stormin’ Norman, said at a press conference sometime in 1991, as he showed a video of US bombs blasting an Iraqi bridge, seconds after the Iraqi driver managed to cross it.
But then, a far more unjust invasion and war followed in 2003, following a decade-long siege that cost Iraq a million of its children and its entire economy.