Crimes against humanity

Nuclear terrorist, Genocidally Racist and International Law-violating Apartheid Israel among World Leaders for Killing Kids

Apartheid Israel in its illegal, war criminal and 55-year occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory is among world leaders in “children killed per year per million of total territory population” with a value of  25.8 as compared to 75.7 (Honduras), 53.6 (Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo), 7.6 (the World), and 2.6 (Kashmir, India). […]

Killing Palestinian Journalists and The Silence of Israeli Apartheid

Within the cacophony of the Middle East and war in Ukraine, Israel’s brutal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza had drifted into the shadows. But the assassination of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh served as a vicious reminder of Israel’s criminality.  Abu Akleh was murdered on 11 May in Jenin on the West […]

Russia-Ukraine war: George Bush’s admission of his crimes in Iraq was no “gaffe”

It was apparently a “gaffe” of the kind we had forgotten since George W Bush stepped down from the US presidency in early 2009. During a speech in Dallas last week, he momentarily confused Russian President Vladimir Putin’s current war of aggression against Ukraine and his own war of aggression against Iraq in 2003. Bush […]

Gaza’s Forthcoming Crisis Might Be Worse than Anything We Have Ever Seen

“The water is back,” one family member would announce in a mix of excitement and panic, often very late at night. The moment such an announcement was made, my whole family would start running in all directions to fill every tank, container or bottle that could possibly be filled. Quite often, the water would last […]

NIH Director Francis Collins Ordered “Takedown” Of The Great Barrington Declaration

It was NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, who orchestrated the attempted "quick and devastating published takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration that has been signed by no less than 62,000 health professionals and over 850,000 citizens from 44 countries. This is not only an egregious attack on Free Speech, but should also qualify as a criminal conspiracy.

Remember the Nazi-CIA Connection

Reminder: When attempting to unravel the behaviors of today’s ruling class, it helps to educate yourself about their actions in the past. For example, the U.S. and the CIA rescued and recruited Nazi war criminals after World War II to bolster their intelligence, military, and space program efforts. The most well-known of these men was […]
The post Remember the Nazi-CIA Connection first appeared on Dissident Voice.

On the Origins of “Genocide”: What We Learn from Amnesty’s Report on Israeli Apartheid

The biggest lie perpetrated by Zionists is that Israel is somehow a response to the crime against humanity perpetrated against Jews by Nazi Germany. In fact, Israel is itself a crime that needs to be pointed out.
The post On the Origins of “Genocide”: What We Learn from Amnesty’s Report on Israeli Apartheid appeared first on MintPress News.