Crimes against humanity

Israel’s Systemic Targeting of Journalists

Tomorrow marks one year since veteran journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by the Israeli military while covering an Israeli invasion of Jenin refugee camp. The brutal silencing of her voice, and the images of Israeli riot police beating mourners at her funeral, will be remembered as defining moments exposing the cruelty of Israeli apartheid. […]

Business and Humanity

Most people have heard capitalism described unerringly as the “law of the jungle” and a “dog-eat-dog world.” The pathos of capitalism is currently playing out in Vancouver, where grown-up millionaires are playing a kids’s game called hockey. Professional sports serve as a microcosm of rampant capitalism — a, perhaps necessary, distraction for the masses. Many […]
The post Business and Humanity first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Culture of Hope: 2022 and the Margins of Victory in Palestine

Another critical year for Palestine has folded. While 2022 has wrought much of the same in terms of Israeli military occupation and increasing violence, it also introduced new variables to the Palestinian struggle – nationally, regionally and internationally. Palestine, the War and the Arabs The Russia-Ukraine war starting in February pressured many political entities, including […]

A Choice for Musk: Principles or Profit?

Back in April of this year, the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, stated, “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.” A question: can you declare that you are for freedom of speech/expression and ban, or maintain […]
The post A Choice for Musk: Principles or Profit? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Assange Tests Positive for Covid-19 in Prison

©  Getty Images / Guy Smallman Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has tested positive for Covid-19 and is being kept in total isolation at Belmarsh Prison as he continues to fight extradition to the US, his wife Stella told media on Monday. “The next few days will be crucial for his general health,” the lawyer, who […]
The post Assange Tests Positive for Covid-19 in Prison first appeared on Dissident Voice.

‘Healthcare’ to Die For: Canada Goes from Assisted Suicide to Insisted Suicide

EUTHANASIA’S SLIPPERY SLOPE POSTED: October 3, 2022 source Is your neighbor’s barking dog making your life intolerably miserable? Do you stay awake at night worrying obsessively that the ingrown toenail you have might just fester badly and spread to your other toes? Do you feel inconsolably depressed because that bag of Doritos you bought yesterday […]

Myths and Facts about the Israeli Siege on Gaza

15 years have passed since Israel imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip, subjecting nearly two million Palestinians to one of the longest and most cruel politically-motivated blockades in history. The Israeli government had then justified its siege as the only way to protect Israel from Palestinian “terrorism and rocket attacks”. This remains the […]
The post Myths and Facts about the Israeli Siege on Gaza first appeared on Dissident Voice.