
The Ochelli Effect – Gangs That Won’t Shoot Straight

From Tuesday was a bit different this week. Porkins took Mike Swanson’s slot and after an update on The Epstein saga, Chuck and Pearse answered chat questions and gave the audience a rundown on US political corruption in the one-party system. Our Media Death Star is almost back to a fully operational battle station. […]

The Truth About The 1994 Crime Bill

The 1994 crime bill is back in the news; Donald Trump used it against Joe Biden in their recent election debate. Vlogger H.A. Goodman, a passionate Trump supporter, has also attacked the bill, citing Hillary Clinton who in 1996 as First Lady alluded to super-predators. According to Goodman, she was calling black youth super-predators, and this can only be construed as racism.

Historians Rate Trump As The Worst President In History-- Biden Would Probably Rate As The Second Worst. He's Not What We Need Now (Or Ever)

Biden is playing it very cautious, keeping away from voters and making sure every situation he's in is tightly controlled by his campaign. They don't want any of the slip-ups and embarrassing gaffes that have plagued his political career. While the other candidates are reaching out and touching as many voters in the early states as they can, Biden is playing hard to get and very low key.