COVID Economy

American Families Need Income During The Pandemic Trump Has Extended With His Early-- And Continuing-- Incompetence

Pramila Jayapal-- still moving the country forwardYesterday, the Congressional Progressive Caucus let Pelosi know what they expect to be included in the next federal COVID-19 relief package. Although Pelosi was once a co-founder and active member of the caucus-- and although it's the biggest of the Democratic groupings in Congress-- Pelosi pays far more attention to what the Blue Dogs and New Dems want than what th

Conservatives Want Government To Run Like Corporations-- As The Former President Of A Big One, I Can Tell You That Would Mean A Hundred Million Americans Would Die Before The Pandemic Ends

Generally speaking, corporations run for just one reason: profit for the shareholders and-- dirty little secret-- profit for the largely unfettered management team. I wasn't really the president of a corporation-- just the president of a division of one, TimeWarner.See these half dozen fellas?

Times Like This Don't Call For Self-Serving Politicians Like Trump Or Biden. There Is Someone Who Could Help Though

It's bad in New York right now-- at least in part because of Andrew Cuomo's reactionary stance on healthcare. (Gee, if you watched Rachel Maddow, a thorough imbecile on anything out than Putin-Gate, you would have thought Cuomo is a national hero who should be the Democratic nominee, but... she lives in Boston so... yeah.) Anyway, Cuomo is a skillful politician with a knack for doing what American politicians must be able to do to survive-- making himself look good on TV.

Everybody Wears A Mask-- But They Won't Stop A Recession Or A Depression

Yesterday, on top of historically high unemployment insurance filings, NBC News reporters Kasie Hunt and Alex Moe had some more bad news on the personal financial front-- Trump Regime incompetence on full display: "The first Americans to get relief payments from the government under the coronavirus legislation signed into law last month won’t see the money until at least the week of April 13, a

A National Crossroads: The Needs of the Many or Wants of the Few?

In the fictional Star Trek universe, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the Thomas NeuburgerThe U.S. is at a national crossroads of world-historical proportions. Thanks to the COVID-19 epidemic we're headed for a collision, a heavy-engine oil train pileup, between two competing imperatives — does the nation serve the pathological wants of the few who control it or the immediate and existential needs of the many who live in it?Long put off, this question can no longer be avoided.

Welcome To The COVID Economy

Sure, there's a Trump tweet for occasion; but there's also a George Carlin video for every occasion as well. You may prefer how Carlin explains what we're going through as a society now but economist James Galbraith is slightly less pessimistic. In fact, he wrote a piece for The Nation this week about how to confront the side-effects of the pandemic, namely the economic one. He looks at it square in the eyes and wants you to accept it: "a house of cards has fallen.