COVID Economy

McConnell And The GOP Would Like To Force State Governments Into Bankruptcy, Something That Would Absolutely Cause The U.S. To Collapse Economically

Some states-- most of them blue-- pay far more into the federal government than they get out. Kentucky-- like many more economically backward red states-- get much more than they pay in. The 6 states that pay the most per capita for the least return are Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Colorado and Nebraska.

Will Conservatives Use The Pandemic As Cover To Achieve Their #1 Goal-- Killing Off Social Security

One of the reasons-- there are many-- I'm not planning on voting for Status Quo Joe is because of his career-long goal of wrecking Social Security and Medicare on behalf of the wealthy donors who have financed his entire career. Biden has tried again and again to weaken social safety net programs and he has always been one of the very worst of the austerity politicians in the Democratic Party.

Will We Need To Build A Wall Between Red States And America To Protect Us From The Trump Plague?

Trumpists are on the march. Members of the GOP Death Cult have been holding noisy organized protests in Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Kentucky, demanding businesses be opened so they get to escape their horrid spouses and get back to their dull, unfulfilling meaningless jobs.

Trump Continues Making The Impact Of The Pandemic Worse

The COVID-KingRemember when the White House was telling everyone masks don't work and not to get them. At the time, we warned DWT readers they were lying and that it was only a matter of time before masks became compulsory. They became compulsory in L.A. last Friday. The country is still a long way off for that to become national policy-- but the Trumpist regime has never been serious about flattening the curve anyway.

Today, Who Is Offering More Value To Society-- The People Harvesting And Distributing Our Food, Or A Hedge Fund Manager?

On Monday, Elizabeth Warren and Ro Khanna jointly rolled out a bicameral call for an Essential Worker Bill of Rights to be included as part of a broad emergency relief package that’s needed to address the public health, economic and democratic crises the country is facing right now. The Essential Worker Bill of R