COVID Economy

Government’s contribution to countrymen is negligible

  After announcement by the honourable Prime Minister, the Finance Minister took four days to distribute mammoth 20 lakh crore rupees to the countrymen. What the countrymen would get out of it? This is the analysis made by the Ganatantrik Adhikar Surakha Sangathan, Odisha. You may agree or not. We would be happy to answer if you ask. Let us[Read More...]

Corona and Changes in Consciousness

The State as a ‘conception’ or as an ‘imagination’ remained in the flux situation from 1648 to the second decade of the 21st century. Are we moving from ‘Westphalia’ to ‘Westfailure’? Susan Stranger excellently articulated this idea of “The West-failure System” in the finishing years of the 1990s, where she portrayed the negotiating situation of ‘State’ in modern times. The[Read More...]

COVID-19 Crisis: Understanding the State of Economy during and after the Lockdown

Nothing could have brought the global economy to a grinding halt like the COVID-19 pandemic in recent history. Barring essential goods, the production, sale, and consumption of all goods and services have been affected. This article offers a low-down on the stalled economy, and also makes projections for India’s post-pandemic economy. At the time of writing this article, the Government[Read More...]

Trump, McConnell And Pelosi Are Not Leading America Through This Well At All-- They Should All Retire

Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) stood up for ordinary working families, most of Congress didn'tTalking to me about the impending vote on the bailout Thursday, a former Member of Congress noted that "This is one of those rare occasions when I would say that any progressive in a safe district-- and there are plenty of them-- should have no trouble voting against this bill. It’s just doesn’t do enough, period. A proper bill would:

If Americans Don't Pull Together To Fight The Pandemic, Millions Will Die

This-- above-- was an anti-lockdown protest by right-wing haters/idiots in Suffolk County a few days ago, where there have been 42,050 confirmed cases (4th worst county in New York State) and 1,709 deaths. I know these people. I grew up among them. Believe me, there are no Einsteins in this crowd. In 2016, New York went for Hillary 58.8% to 37.5%. Suffolk County was a very different story. Trump won 328,403 (52.5%) to 276,953 (44.3%).

Modoc County, Which Has Voted To Secede From California, Decided To Follow Texas And Open Up Businesses Yesterday

An L.A. Times newsletter yesterday talked about "Californians’ Line in the Sand" and noted how "Last weekend, hot weather and perhaps a touch of spring fever sent crowds flocking to Orange County beaches during the coronavirus pandemic. As the photos that went around the internet showed, few were wearing masks. This weekend, even though the forecast is cooler, Gov. Gavin Newsom is having none of that.

Anytime Is A Good Time To Eat Less Meat-- But Now More So Than Ever

Chris Martenson's daily podcast has gotten me through all this coronavirus stuff since late January, when I realized his advice was golden. I was able to switch much of my retirement money out of equities and buy enough toilet paper, brown rice, chickpeas, pasta and turnips to see me through a few months of pandemic. His warnings about starting a vegetable garden have been more worrisome than anything. Problems in the food chain is something he mentions frequently.

Update To Yesterday's Look At The Republican Crooks Looting The Paycheck Protection Program

Totally In Control by Nancy OhanianI didn't know a lot of very rich people until I started working for them in the '90s when I moved to Los Angeles to work for Time-Warner. One of the first things I learned is that, generally-- and yes there are exceptions-- the richer the person, the greedier and more unscrupulous the person. That's how they got rich or maintained their wealth.