COVID Economy

The Impact Of The Pandemic Will Be Worse Than Most People Think-- And Trump Is Making That Worse Every Time He Opens His Mouth

Is the official U.S. government policy towards the pandemic reflected by the White House guidelines-- or by Trump's misleading, sociopathic twitter feed? They are often on opposite sides of the fence. And that's not even the stuff that Fauci says that contradicts Trump's ranting and raving.

 “No. It’s Capitalism, Stupid.”

The title is a riff on James Carville’s disingenuous (and stupid) phrase from 1992 when he was Bill Clinton’s campaign director. Carville’s pithy quip, “It’s the economy, stupid,”  became the campaign’s de facto slogan. It functioned as a clever ruse to help Clinton beat Bush by pandering to workers and creating the impression that his policies would actually help them.[Read More...]

Reality in the Time of Covid-19

  First the good. There’s an outpouring of spontaneous actions, large and small, to feed the hungry, help the desperate, aid seniors, the economically afflicted. There is public art and and an endless steam of performances, gatherings and flash mobs on line. Mask Oakland distributes N95 Masks to the homeless. In Aurora Colorado, librarians assemble kits of essentials for seniors[Read More...]

What America Needs is a Little Flexicurity

                Odin, the Norse All-Father, is said to have hung from a tree for 9 days and sacrificed one of his eyes to acquire the knowledge of the world. These days, thankfully, all the Nordic people have to do to acquire knowledge is… well, live in the Nordics. The five countries which make up the Nordic region are: Denmark, Finland,[Read More...]

Private Sector Should Be Asked To Work Not For Profit For 3 Years

Co-Written by Arundhati Dhuru and Sandeep Pandey All the narratives of a progressing nation, Rajiv Gandhi’s ‘marching into the 21st century,’ Atal Behari Vajpayee’s ‘shining India,’ A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s ‘providing urban amenities in rural areas,’ Manmohan Singh’s achievement of 8-9% Gross Domestic Product growth rates and Narendra Modi’s ‘smart cities’ have crumbled in the wake of national level migrant workers’[Read More...]