Courthouse Files

Detroit Woman Sues Cops Who Killed Her Three Dogs While Looking for Weed

A Detroit woman filed a lawsuit last week after Detroit cops serving a search warrant entered her home looking for marijuana shot and killed her three passive dogs, then turned to her and said, “I should have killed you, too.”
“They went around and killed them – like a death squad,” said Chris Olson, Smith’s attorney in an interview with the New York Daily News.

Arizona Judge Releases Body Cam Footage from Daniel Shaver Shooting Death

An Arizona judge finally released body cam footage from the shooting death of Daniel Shaver, which led to murder charges against Mesa police officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford.
However, the videos are edited, removing the actual shooting of the unarmed man who died begging for his life.
But we already know Brailsford shot and killed Shaver after he was ordered to crawl towards police on his hands and knees.
And we already know that Brailsford was the only officer out of six that felt compelled to shoot.

Florida “Officer of the Year” Sentenced to Life in Prison for Child Porn

Florida police officer Michael Harding had such a promising law enforcement career in front of him when he was named Officer of the Year while working for the Fort Pierce Police Department in 2011.
One year prior to that, he was presented with the Exceptional Police Service award for issuing 76 DUI citations.
But then his career started to falter after accepting a job with the Port St. Lucie Police Department just south of Fort Pierce in 2011.

Road-Raging Texas Cop Sentenced to 20 Years for Shooting Woman In Head

A Houston cop was convicted by a jury last week and sentenced to the maximum of 20 years in prison for shooting a woman in the head during a road-rage incident while he was on paid leave for several other road-raging incidents.
He was also one of thousands of cops deemed mentally stable by a psychologist who this month pleaded guilty to not conducting face-to-face evaluations with police recruits.
In other words, there are probably many more like him patrolling the streets of Houston.

Washington Cops Settle Suit for Tasering, Siccing Dog on Non-Resisting Man

The city of Tukwila in Washington agreed to settle a lawsuit for $100,000 plus attorney’s fee after officers punched a restrained man in the face and head, shocking him with taser darts and then siccing a police dog on him in what the department calls “pain compliance” – a use of force tactic they say falls “within policy.”

Los Angeles Deputies Convicted for Beating Schizophrenic Man in Jail, Marking 21 Convictions in Federal Investigation

Two Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies were convicted this week for beating a mentally ill male inmate to “teach him a lesson” after he had mouthed off to jailers in March 2010.
Bryan Brunsting, 31, and Jason Branum, 35, were both convicted on counts of conspiracy, falsifying records and violating the inmate’s civil rights, marking a total of 21 Los Angeles sheriffs deputies to have been convicted of crimes since the federal government began investigating the largest jail system in the country in 2011.

Watch: Body Cam Video of In-Custody Death Kept Secret by California Cops for More Than a Year

California cops pulled a man over in May 2014, suspecting him of driving drunk, but he ended up dying in their custody.
But the Hayward Police Department, which regular sends out media updates about homicides and missing persons – never publicly acknowledged the death of James Greer.
And the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office never opened an investigation into the death of the 46-year-old man.

Arizona Cop Recalls “Terrifying” Experience as He Shot and Killed Unarmed Daniel Shaver as New Crime Scene Photos Surface and Body Cam Video Expected to be Released Today

Arizona police officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford, a bespectacled Ramboesque nerd of a cop, was one of six Mesa police officers who had their guns drawn on Daniel Shaver after they ordered him out of his hotel room last January.
Show us your hands, they first shouted. Place your hands behind your head, they then ordered. Place your hands on the floor and come crawling to use, they then commanded.
Shaver, a 26-year-old man who only moments earlier was showing his pellet gun to a couple of new acquaintances he had met in the hotel, began crawling towards the cops.